This is William Shakespeare. He is known as the greatest English writer of all time. What do YOU know about him? What is special about his works? Where did he live? If you don’t know, what can you deduce from looking at him?
Welcome to Renaissance England.
It’s Time!
It’s time to don your doublet!
Tighten your trussing!
Get on your galligaskins!
Females, fit on your farthingales!
Smooth your stomachers!
Remember your ruffs!
Slip on your shoes! And grab your gloves!
Ladies? Gentlemen?
Is everybody ready? We’re going to the theater!
The Globe! Shakespeare’s theater is located just outside of London, England.
A white flag is flying. There’s a play today! It’s afternoon, time for the play to start. The groundlings have paid their penny and are standing to watch the play. The young men are dressing up to take the female roles. The stage is a lower class profession, and no women will appear there. Poetry is a higher class of art than play writing is.
The wealthy are in the upper decks. The play is about to begin! We’re in for a real treat! It’s one of Shakespeare’s tragedies! It’s good the plague is over and the theaters are open again.
William Shakespeare
What do we know about William Shakespeare? He was born in His hometown is Stratford- on-Avon. His father was a middle class butcher, mayor, & glovemaker. He married Anne Hathaway when he was 18 years old. She was 26! They had three children, including a set of twins. He moved to London and became an actor, playwright, and theater owner. His acting company was called “The Lord Chamberlain’s Men.” Later it became “The King’s Men.” He wrote 37 very successful plays. Even Queen Elizabeth enjoyed his plays! His vocabulary was huge: 17,000 to 34,000 words! He purchased a coat of arms to make his family upper class. When he retired he went back to Stratford-on-Avon and bought the best house in town. He has a monument in Westminster Abbey though he’s buried in Stratford- on-Avon. He died in He has had an amazing influence on our English language.
Have you heard these phrases? I couldn’t sleep a wink. I couldn’t sleep a wink. He was dead as a doornail. He was dead as a doornail. She’s a tower of strength. She’s a tower of strength. They hoodwinked us. They hoodwinked us. I’m green-eyed with jealousy. I’m green-eyed with jealousy. We’d better lie low for awhile. We’d better lie low for awhile. Keep a civil tongue in your head. Keep a civil tongue in your head. They are just some of the many expressions coined by that master of language, William Shakespeare.
Now, let the show begin!