NLM Web site redesign
Out with the old
In with the new
Redesign based on user feedback Online customer surveys (July 2002) Extensive usability testing (October 2003) Resulted in reorganization and rethinking of entire site (May 2004)
Survey of users in 2002 Users were "satisfied" and "likely to return" but reported lower ratings on the ability to find information.
Asked users what works and how to organize it all Tested site with general public, health care providers, researchers, public health professionals, and librarians/ information professionals. Besides how to organize the site, users made it clear they prefer not to read a lot of text and want short clear links.
New organization
Old health information page
New health information more focused to public
Old site index
New and improved site map
New features
Up-to-date news
Search, contact, site map and FAQs links on every page
Printer-friendly versions
Lots of cross links and bread crumbs for better navigation
List of many NLM products for resource-seeking librarians
Especially for pages
Has what librarians, researchers, health care professionals, the public and publishers need
Feedback desired NLM needs your feedback Call (888) or (301) (local and international calls) or Be part of the ever-improving NLM Web site