1. Warath Prasopvithaya No.7 2. Phatsakorn Sangsukiam No.11 3. Kritchawat Kangwanpornsiri No.26 4. Chavis Ridhiroj No.33 1. Warath Prasopvithaya No.7 2. Phatsakorn Sangsukiam No.11 3. Kritchawat Kangwanpornsiri No.26 4. Chavis Ridhiroj No.33
A firewall is a device that guards the entrance to a private network and keeps out unauthorized or unwanted traffic. When people talk about a corporate or enterprise firewall, they normally assume a series of devices guarding all points of entry, thus creating a secure environment "behind" or "inside" the firewall -- as distinct from the untamed and lawless territory that lies "beyond" or "outside". Chavis Ridhiroj M.2/7 No.33
A Firewall is designed to restrict access to a network by selectively allowing or blocking inbound traffic to the network. It can also control abound traffic from a user or a program. Chavis Ridhiroj M.2/7 No.33
How to install a new firewall: If you are not certain you have a firewall, and that also it is enabled, go to the " firewall emergency " page before you do anything else. firewall emergency 1.Physically disconnect from the Internet 2.Turn off the Windows Firewall 2.Turn off 3.Install the new firewall 4.Reconnect and quickly test the new firewall quickly test 5.Disconnect, and take corrective action if the test fails If you are installing Service Pack 2 for Windows, you may want to keep an existing firewall instead of turning the new Windows Firewall on. Read through the tracks below before you make up your mind. In any case, be sure you do not have more than one firewall activated at the same time. The two may even defeat each other. [Instructions for deactivating Windows Firewall] may want to keepInstructions for deactivating Warath Prasobvitaya M.2/7-7 Warath Prasobvitaya M.2/7-7
1 Go to the "Control Panel" on the Windows Start menu. 2 Once in control panel, click on "Windows Firewall." The selections are in alphabetical order. If you accidentally click something, just hit the "Esc" key to exit or click the red "X" on the top of your screen to exit. 3 When inside the Windows firewall screen, make sure the green "On" radio button is selected. If not, go ahead and turn it on. You will be able to see it right away and could be getting security alerts on your taskbar in the lower right- hand corner. 4 Click "OK" and click the red "X" in the upper right hand corner to exit out of this screen. You should now be protected. Warath Prasobvitaya M.2/7-7 Warath Prasobvitaya M.2/7-7
Kritchawat Kangwanpornsiri M. 2/7 No. 26
Firewall is a device or set of devices designed to permit or deny network transmissions based upon a set of rules and is frequently used to protect networks from unauthorized access while permitting legitimate communications to pass. So, If you installed firewall That’s mean your computer networking will be protected and you can use the computer effectively for more time.