THE VLOG BROTHERS’ TAKE ON THE CATCHER IN THE RYE Write a one-sentence summary of everything that happens from Chapters 1 through 15.
AP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITIONAP LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION September 10, 2013September 10, 2013 Mr. Houghteling Mr. Houghteling “It’s a Teaching and Learning Tuesday!”
AGENDA The Vlog Brothers and The Catcher in the Rye. Analytical Paraphrase Oral reading: 123: the date with Sally and Holden’s big idea. 113: “if a body catch a body…” and the museum.
THE VLOG BROTHERS’ TAKE ON THE CATCHER IN THE RYE Write a one-sentence summary of everything that happens from Chapters 1 through 15.
ANALYTICAL PARAPHRASEANALYTICAL PARAPHRASE Analytical paraphrase is the art of using summary and analysis throughout a major work. It is the skill that will most benefit writers when they need to discuss a work as a whole. It is also the skill that is the most greatly rewarded on the AP Literature and Composition exam.
CLAIM Holden Caulfield is a complex person in that while he struggles to communicate with people important to him, he longs for conversation and human contact with strangers or people he does not like.
GENDER CRITICAL PERSPECTIVEGENDER CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE Gender interpretation focuses on relationships between genders, including patterns of thought, behavior, and power in relations between and within the sexes. For example, a gender reading of Cinderella may take into account the idea of power relationships between the men and women of the novel.
HOMEWORK Re-read pages (Chapters 17-20).
THE CATCHER IN THE RYETHE CATCHER IN THE RYE A reflection on gender… Janethe “three witches” Sunny HOLDEN PhoebeSally the nuns
MARXIST CRITICISMMARXIST CRITICISM Marxist criticism asserts that economics provides the foundation for all social, political, and ideological reality. Examining social groups and their influences is one of the most accessible ways to use Marxist criticism. ( the Haves vs. Have-nots)
What interpretations of the text can you make by applying Marxist Criticism? Be sure to include at least 2 different textual details to support your response!