+ 1. Come to the front of the stage. 2. Sign in by the day on which you are in practicum. 3. Complete 2 emergency contact cards. If you choose to fill them out, turn one in today. Take the other to the front office at your school. 4. Review syllabus.
+ Welcome Dr. Pam Sullivan (section 1 and 3) Kristi Peery (section 2 and 4) Note: Practicum sections are not the same as course sections
+ ELED 311 vs. ELED 411 What was the focus of 311? How is 411 different? Grade level placement Focus on instruction Focus on guiding children’s behavior Plan and teach lessons How is 411 the same as 311?
+ Similiarities Communication Dispositions Expectations Dress Attendance
+ Communication University Professors University Seminar Leaders University Supervisors Cooperating Teachers In some cases, the same person will fulfill more than one of these roles.
+ Practicum Behaviors Your cooperating teachers are looking for the following dispositions: Initiative Enthusiasm “Can do” attitude Ask for help At the end of each semester, faculty discuss the progress of each student during a student review meeting.
+ Expectations Follow all of the policies and procedures Communicate within the first two weeks exactly what assignments must be carried out in the practicum classroom. Work with the cooperating teacher to develop a schedule Consult with the teacher about teaching responsibilities you can assume Work with your supervisor to schedule teaching observations Show enthusiasm, initiative, and a desire to be in the class at all times Ask for opportunities to teach
+ Dress Professional at all times! Model yourself after your principal. Skin: use the “bend over” test Tattoos: cover them Piercings: none Leggings: are not pants! Shorts: none Flip-flops: none Jeans: none. Special cases need to be approved by your supervisor.
+ Attendance 15 minute rule Late or tardy notification Weather Follow the JMU schedule Teacher Work Days & Inservice- your attendance is at the discretion of your cooperating teacher. ASK! In the event of an absence, you are responsible for contacting your cooperating teacher AND your university supervisor. Contact your CT through AND a phone call. Make-up: all missed times/days must be made up (except for weather related closures)
+ Every practicum day Be on time Park in the right spot Sign in and out at the front office AND on your attendance calendar (timesheet) Wear your badge Help in at least one way Learn at least one thing
+ 1 st Day Preparation Check the school’s and teacher’s websites: Directions to the school Principal’s name Teacher’s address Program the school’s phone number into your phone PRIOR to the first day your teacher Introduce yourself Ask about arrival time Become familiar with the EERE website. Read and print materials for 411: Profile form Calendar Policy and procedures Evaluation forms
+ Materials Needed for 411: 1. First, go to the EERE website: Then, click on the link on the left hand side, “Practicum Information” 3. Click on the link on the chart, “Semester II, ELED 411”. All of the materials you need are linked on the right hand side of the page: Student Profile Form Policies Lesson Plan Outline Evaluation (use the same form for midterm and final) Attendance calendar (timesheet)
+ Immersion Week Mark your calendars…. March (Mon–Fri) During this week, you will attend your practicum for the full day, every day.
+ Turn to Your Neighbor…
+ Questions???
+ Practicum Placements If you have Mrs. Peery for ECED 372, go to her for your placement. Everyone else, stay seated in the front of the auditorium. Dr. Tricarico and Mrs. Gainer will give you your placements.