G.Barbiellini -- 1 AGILE 1yr G. Barbiellini on behalf of the AGILE team
G.Barbiellini -- 3 Scientific Institutes involved in the development of AGILE INAF-IASF Milano INAF-IASF Bologna INAF-IASF Roma INFN- Sez. Trieste INFN- Sez. Roma I INFN- Sez. Roma II INFN- Sez. Pavia Università di Trieste Università di Roma Tor Vergata Università La Sapienza CIFS - Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Fisica Spaziale (Torino)
G.Barbiellini -- 4 AGILE in orbit… First ASI Small Scientific Mission Scientific Mission dedicated to gamma-ray and X-ray astrophysics Around 6500 orbits. Healthy Scientific Instrument Satellite Commissioning Phase completed Science verification phase and in-orbit calibrations completed Very promising scientific performance First Observation Cycle Ongoing
G.Barbiellini -- 5 AGILE instrument
G.Barbiellini -- 6 Sriharikota launch base (India) PSLV-C8 launch, April 23, 2007 The AGILE instrument
G.Barbiellini -- 7 Fotoni a terra e in volo - II First gamma-ray detected in orbit with the nominal GRID trigger configuration (May 10, 2007)
G.Barbiellini -- 8 AGILE wide FoV
G.Barbiellini -- 9 Vela and Crab PSR calibration Monitoring of many Galactic hard X-ray sources Blazar detections –3C 279 –3C 273 –3C (repeated gamma-ray flares) –PKS – –……. Several GRBs detected by SuperAGILE and MCAL (MCAL detects ~ 1/week) Discovery of transient gamma-ray sources in the Galactic plane. AGILE results
G.Barbiellini SuperAGILE View of the Galactic Plane (3.6 days, l=337,b=8) SuperAGILE images
G.Barbiellini C Cygnus region AGILE gamma-ray sky: 22 Nov. 2007
G.Barbiellini Our Galaxy as observed by AGILE above 100 MeV (F4 counts map, July-November 2007) Galactic Center Pulsars 3C Cygnus Transient
G.Barbiellini AGILE view of the sky
G.Barbiellini AGILE GRBs… ~ Many interesting GRBs since July only handful of GRBs in the inner FOV MCAL detects ~ 1 GRB/week above 350 keV 1 event with gamma-rays above 30 MeV GRB AGILE trigger search in operation
G.Barbiellini GRB by SA GRB b Del Monte et al. (2008)
G.Barbiellini MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV MeV GRB070825: MCAL light curves
G.Barbiellini MCAL candidate TGF 10 ms trigger date and time temporal bin: 100 s! time scale: < 5 ms
G.Barbiellini Publications 3 publications on refereed journals –1 on the first GRB –2 on AGN 1 on Gamma data only 1 on Multiwavelenght data ~ 10 in the publication pipeline 18 ATEL – rapid communication on flaring events –Extragalactic flares –Galactic transients 11 GCN – dedicated notices on GRBs
G.Barbiellini AGILE AO-1 AGILE Guest Observer Program (Cycle-1) –Announcement of Opportunity issued on October 1, –Deadline: end of October, –Start AGILE Cycle-1: Dec. 1, 2007 –AGILE team list –
G.Barbiellini AGILE Cycle-1 Pointings AGILE mission Harmonize galactic and extra-galactic astrophysics with long baseline pointings at the Gal. plane being ready to react within 1-2 days to transients
G.Barbiellini The end thank you !