Ramen Noodle Fall 2012 Tomokazu Harada
Demographic Attributes Importance of Demographic Attributes Attributes Importance Number of Persons 86.6 Household Composition 80.4 Age of Oldest Child 50.5 Age and Presence of Children 48.3 Marital Status of Head of Household 20.9 Age of Head of Household 14.5 Race of Head of Household 12.3 Number of Vehicles in Household 10.0 Education of Head of Household 5.8 Occupation of Head of Household 5.4 Household Income 2.1 Housing Tenure 1.1
Nong Shim
Thai Kitchen
Category Role Ad Hoc Base
Product Snapshot Nission Top Noodle MaruchanNong ShimThai Kitchen Demographic Variables % Total $Index% Total $Index% Total $Index% Total $Index Race of Head of Household White64.6%9157.0%8033.9%4865.8%93 Black10.6%9218.1%1578.1%7112.8%111 Hispanic17.8% % % %97 Asian3.8%1004.4% % %186 Other3.3%1402.3%993.2%1373.3%138 Number of Persons 1 Person4.5%1711.0%429.3%3623.3%89 2 Persons12.6%3918.3%5620.4%6339.4%121 3 Persons13.8%8219.4% % %62 4 Persons25.9% % % % Persons43.2% % %1607.1%66 Age of Head of Household Age %665.8%1305.2%1166.7%148 Age %6919.8% % %150 Age % % % %115 Age % % % %94 Age %8311.5%6415.3%8513.9%77 Age %486.3%535.2%457.5%64 Age 75 or More1.0%104.0%392.7%266.9%68 Age and Presence of Children Age < 67.9%928.5%9910.0%1177.8%91 Age % % % %115 Age < 6 & % %2029.7%1297.2%95 No Children27.9%4435.9%5647.4%7462.0%97 Education of Head of Household Not a High School Graduate29.0% %1389.2%667.6%54 High School Graduate29.2% % %8816.0%59 Some College23.6%8429.1% % %108 College Graduate12.8%7212.6%7116.6%9322.7%127 Post College Degree5.5%437.0%5514.2% %182
Category Role
Store Audited
Share of Display, Ramen Noodle ManufactureWMT6 FacingHarps FacingTarget FacingM.IGA FacingS.O.M Facing Fun & Yum% of Total Sum 13.6% % of Total N 17.2% N 5 Maruchan% of Total Sum86.7%57.4%100.0%58.1% % of Total N81.8%42.1%100.0%43.8% N9817 Myojo% of Total Sum 3.0% % of Total N 3.4% N 1 Nissin% of Total Sum 29.6% 25.8% % of Total N 21.1% 25.0% N 4 4 Nong Shim% of Total Sum6.7% 25.8% % of Total N9.1% 17.2% N1 5 Ottogi% of Total Sum 4.5% % of Total N 3.4% N 1 Sam Yang% of Total Sum 24.2% % of Total N 27.6% N 8 Sapporo Ichiban% of Total Sum 5.6% 21.2% % of Total N 15.8% 24.1% N 3 7 Thai Kitchen% of Total Sum 7.4% 16.1% % of Total N 21.1% 31.3% N 4 5 Thai President Foods Public Company Limited % of Total Sum6.7% 7.6% % of Total N9.1% 6.9% N1 2 Total% of Total Sum100.0% % of Total N100.0% N
Share of Gross Margin Dollars, Ramen Noodle ManufactureWMT6 GM$Harps GM$Target GM$M.IGA GM$S.O.M GM$ Fun & Yum% of Total Sum 20.6% N 5 Maruchan% of Total Sum64.1%15.6%100.0%22.7% N9817 Myojo% of Total Sum 14.5% N 1 Nissin% of Total Sum 8.7% 13.0% N 4 4 Nong Shim% of Total Sum19.9% 7.0% N1 5 Ottogi% of Total Sum 1.7% N 1 Sam Yang% of Total Sum 41.5% N 8 Sapporo Ichiban % of Total Sum 17.3% 6.7% N 3 7 Thai Kitchen% of Total Sum 58.4% 64.3% N 4 5 Thai President Foods Public Company Limited % of Total Sum16.0% 7.9% N1 2 Total% of Total Sum100.0% N
Mean % Gross Margin, Ramen Noodle ManufactureWMT6 GM%Harps GM%Target GM%M.IGA GM%S.O.M GM% Fun & YumMean 26.77% N 5 MaruchanMean25.00%37.50%55.88%54.55% N9817 MyojoMean 88.67% N 1 NissinMean 40.00% 54.55% N 4 4 Nong ShimMean14.29% 11.43% N1 5 OttogiMean 14.55% N 1 Sam YangMean 32.98% N 8 Sapporo Ichiban Mean 24.48% 8.84% N 3 7 Thai KitchenMean 64.16% 65.48% N 4 5 Thai President Foods Public Company Limited Mean26.05% 52.42% N1 2 TotalMean24.12%41.58%55.88%57.96%24.99% N
Ramen Noodle Differentiation