AET/515 Recreation Event Facilitator Course Final Instructional Plan Derrick Messer Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1
Needs Assessment Recreation Event Facilitator Course What is the learning problem or opportunity? An increased awareness of the leisure and service opportunities currently available at Boardman Corporate University and the community with the opportunity to successfully facilitate a recreational event to enhance the customers recreation experiences and accommodating the physically handicapped and mentally challenged. Current courses do not focus on the recreational facilitation aspect of the customers experience. What is currently available? Basic requirement courses offered by Boardman Corporate University mandated by either city or state ordinances to make Baderman Island Resort in compliance with the law. What should be available? Additional courses in regards to recreation, leisure and service management that would enhance the customers leisure/recreational experience and to accommodate the recreational needs of the physically handicapped and mentally challenged. Teaching basic recreational and leisure facilitation classes should be made available. Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available. The gap is the current courses offered by Boardman Corporate University to the Baderman Island Resort employees and the community that covers basic mandated requirements to run the business. Availability of additional courses specifically geared towards enhancing the recreational, service and leisure experience for all customers would bridge the gap between meeting the customers standard and exceeding them. What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? Boardman Management Group will implement the Recreation Event Facilitator Course. The Course will be geared specifically towards the management and facilitation of a recreation/leisure event which entails being familiar with all service related positions involved emphasizing the team concept. This course will be aimed to accommodate the recreational needs of the physically handicapped and mentally challenged as well. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2
Instructional Goal Recreation Event Facilitator Course Learners will be able to successfully facilitate a community recreational event that will enhance the customers experience up to 200 guests while creating and enhancing people skills. They will know their role in the event process and the role of all employees tasked with the event and how to effectively work as a team. The learner will be knowledged and well-versed in all service related positions within a community recreation event. Learners will become familiar with the needs of both physically handicapped and mentally challenged guests. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3
Performance-Based Objectives Recreation Event Facilitator Course Performance objective #1 Upon completion of the Recreation Event Facilitator Course, learners will be able to successfully facilitate/coordinate a recreational/leisure event with little to no supervision for up to 100 guests by managing up to 15 employees. The expected measurable behavior will be Increased moral, motivation, cohesiveness, and increased knowledge of the facilitation of leisure/recreational activities in the resort industry by empowering the employees with a sense of purpose through team work. Conditions will be based on employee attendance, work performance and ability to cross-train in other service related areas. A checklist/grade sheet will be used to evaluate employees in each area using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Performance Objective #2 Upon completion of the Recreation Event Facilitator Course, learners will be able to successfully be a team member in a variety of customer service related positions to successfully execute recreational/leisure events for up to 100 guests. The expected measurable behavior will be Increased moral, motivation, cohesiveness, and knowledge of all the service related areas pertaining to the leisure/recreational activities in the resort industry by empowering the employees with a sense of purpose through team work. Conditions will be based on employee attendance, work performance and ability to cross-train in other service related areas. A checklist/grade sheet will be used to evaluate employees in each area using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4
Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes Recreation Event Facilitator Course A checklist using the Bloom Taxonomy method will be implemented to ensure the employee is familiar with all the required steps/avenues to facilitate the recreational/leisure event and all the requirements of each customer service related area in regards to running the event. A mock recreational/leisure event will be set up specifically for grading purposes open to the public. The public (mystery shopper method), will also take part in the grading. The number of guests can range from 10 to 30 customers based on the event. Each subject in the checklist will be graded as a yes or no (did employee meet objective for this task). Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5
Learner Characteristics Recreation Event Facilitator Course Learners come from numerous cultural backgrounds. Ages range from 19 to 60, with 60% male and 40% female. 20% of the employees have Bachelors Degrees, 75% high school education and 5% have a Masters Degree. Majority of the employees learn through kinesthetic means, are well-versed and have a firm grasp of the instructional plan. The implications of the instructional plan is based on the team concept where learners will be broken up into teams, graded with those teams and then broken up into another team, changing roles throughout. The concept is not only the ability to facilitate a recreational experience that will impact the customer, but the ability to work as a team and manage other team members in the successful execution of the event. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6
Learning Context Recreation Event Facilitator Course First block of instruction will be in a classroom going over course materials and providing the basic overview of the class, the different roles/positions that will be graded and what the expected outcome is. In the classroom setting, the instructor will have hand-outs and will brief/lecture with PowerPoint and video samples of a successful and un- successful recreational/leisure event briefing the roles and responsibilities of each employee position The information in the learning context will be used through kinesthetic means. The instructional plan would consist of a 3 step process which includes the classroom block of instruction that provides all the course materials to successfully complete the course. Employees will be graded on the classroom portion. Employees would then be broken up into teams, then a rehearsal event will take place to grade the teams. Each employee will eventually be designated as the leader/facilitator of the event on a rotational basis, but will have to learn every area entailed in the recreational/leisure event. The 3 rd step would be the mock recreation/leisure event that includes the public. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7
Delivery Modality Recreation Event Facilitator Course Based on the learner characteristics of the employees, the delivery modalities of the course will be mixed. 1 st – Lecture, handouts, and discussion in the class of what needs to be learned. Overview of what the responsibilities are of a recreation & leisure facilitator. Explains the whole process. 2 nd – Case study. Examples on video clips of a failed recreational/leisure event versus a successful one. Delivers auditory and visual examples of actual recreational/leisure events. 3 rd – Role playing and mock trial. Learners will be separated into teams and will switch roles throughout so all learners have a firm grasp of what is entailed in each role throughout the event, eventually being evaluated as the facilitator. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8
Instructional Strategies Recreation Event Facilitator Course Direct Instruction –Instructor led providing a structured overview, lecture, hand-outs, drill & practice, demonstrations, and didactic questions. Interactive Instruction – Includes role playing, discussion, debates, brainstorming, peer-to-peer evaluation and learning. Experiential learning – Includes simulations (mock events), role-playing, and field observations. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9
Plan for Implementation Recreation Event Facilitator Course Week 1 – Direct Instruction. Overview on facilitator responsibilities and what is entailed in setting up a recreation/leisure event. This will be instructor led with testable materials. Week 1 - Interactive Instruction. This 4 hour block of instruction will pair teams up and the instructor will provide several mock recreation/leisure event for the teams. Teams will brainstorm their ideas on how they will implement the event. Each team member will rotate their roles based on the event. Team members can vote which event they want to be evaluated on. Week 2 - Experiential Learning. This week of instruction will entail several mock recreation/leisure events evaluated solely by the instructors. Instructors will evaluate the facilitators ability to manage the event and delegating responsibilities to each team member and through what was learned via direct and interactive instruction. Experience from the team members will be shared via past experiences with the team. Week 3 - Experiential and Interactive Instruction. This week will entail mock recreation events open to the public. Each facilitator will be evaluated by someone from the general public during the event. Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10
Instructional Resources Recreation Event Facilitator Course Instructional materials Classroom Video Clips Internet Use of conference room Dining room, chairs, kitchen, food, decorations, music Overhead projector Any additional items as dictated by each team Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12 Formative Assessment Recreation Event Facilitator Course In class based on the knowledge of the materials via testing. How well the students grasps the concepts of facilitating an event. Communication and delegation. How the learner can effectively plan, communicate and delegate responsibilities to other team members. Collaborative activities. How well the learner receives information by demonstrating their understanding of the concepts involved in running an event. Understanding roles. Summarize and reflect. The students ability to stop and reflect what they have learned both in class and through the mock events.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Formative assessment – Based on the tested material and the mock event evaluated by both the instructor and mystery guest from public event graded on a variety of areas Summative assessment – The instructor and/or manager of the recreation/leisure program will evaluate/counsel each assigned facilitator every quarter on events they are responsible for. Evaluation Strategies Recreation Event Facilitator Course
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Outcome Review Recreation Event Facilitator Course A performance rating scale will be used to compare performances of the learners throughout the course. This method subjects the learners to the same appraisal process.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Recommendations Recommendation for future use is to consider the top 10 percent of each class to become an official facilitator and instructor. Each class will submit recommendations/survey as to ways to change the class. Conduct classes bi-annually or as needed.
References Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16 Teach for America. (2010, July). Before you Begin Designing Instruction. Retrieved from on June 7, 2013 from (2008, April). Instructional Planning and Assessment. Retrieved on June 8, 2013 from /405859/Airasian Instructional Strategies Online. (2009, December). A listing of Instructional Strategies and Methods. Retrieved on June 18, 2013 from Office of Institutional Research and Assessment. (2008, December). Developing Performance Rating Scales. Retrieved on June 27, 2013 from