Population Part IV Thomas Malthus, Population Bomb? (A)
A Population Bomb? Thomas Malthus ( , England) --Felt population growing exponentially and resources growing linearly --Believed people needed to practice ”moral restraint” to lower CBR or there needed to be a disaster to increase CDR in order to solve population problem
Malthus’ Point of Crisis
Neo-Malthusians Two recent issues that invigorate Malthus thought: 1. many countries experiencing population growth due to transfer of medical technology 2. new population “stripping” world of resources Ehrlich (1960s) warned of a population bomb in 1970s and 1980s because the world’s population was outpacing food production. (Said England would die by 2000 & world would undergo world-wide famine- millions would starve to death) No bomb, no starving! Could there still be something learned from Ehrlich’s thoughts? Ehrlich said that resources are finite, increased consumption will lead to depletion of those resources
Critics of Malthus Resources are not fixed: Trade allows for potential elimination of possibilism Lack of food resulted from distribution of wealth rather than insufficient food Population growth can stimulate economic growth More people=more consumers, more creativity