Synurophyceans (Silica-Scaled Algae) Photosynthetic Stramenopiles (Ochrophytes) Chrysophyceans (Golden Brown) Tribophyceans (Yellow-Green) Bacillariophyceans (Diatoms) Phaeophyceans (Brown Algae, Kelp, Rockweeds)
Brown Algae (Phaeophycean) Diversity Elachista Ectocarpus
Scytosiphon Brown Algae Diversity Hormosira
Brown Algae Diversity Fucus
Brown Algae Diversity Nereocystis
Streblonema Brown Algae Diversity Infected Macrocystis
Sexual Life Cycles I: Isomorphic Alternation of Generations EctocarpusScytosiphon Gametophyte (n) Sporophyte (2n)
Macrocystis Nereocystis Sexual Life Cycles II: Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations SargassumLaminaria Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) (Kelp)
Sexual Life Cycles III: Diplontic Fucus (Rockweed) (2n) (1n)
Asexual Reproduction (2n) (1n) Ectocarpus
Brown Algae Ecological Significance Productivity: Up to 1 kg C / m 2 / y (Graham et al. 2008)
Brown Algae Ecological Significance 10
Point Lobos State Preserve, CA (just south of Monterrey CA) Brown Algae Viewing Sites
Brown Algae Economic Significance
Fig in Graham et al Growth Patterns: Diffuse (Non-Localized) Growth Chorda filum
Growth Patterns: Apical Cell (Filamentous)
Growth Patterns: Apical Cell (Filament Bundles = Pseudoparenchyma) Desmarestia
Growth Patterns: Apical Meristem (Apical Meristem - Parenchyma)
Growth Patterns: Lateral Growth (Meristoderm)
Brown Algal Tissue Differentiation: Epidermis, Cortex and Medulla Figs in Lee 1999 Laminaria
Brown Algae Sugar Conducting Cells: (Trumpet Hyphae) Figs , in Graham et al. 2008
Brown Algae Organ Differentiation (Holdfast, Stipe, Blade)
Brown Algae Organ Differentiation (Pneumatocysts= Bladders) Macrocystis Sargassum Nereocystis
7 Brown Algae Organ Differentiation
Brown Algal Cell Structure
1 Cell Structure: Cell Wall
Brown Algal Cell Wall Characteristics: Plasmodesmata
Na + K+K+ Ca 2+ Mg 2+ Cell Wall Components I: Alginate Alginate
3 Cell Wall Components II:
Cell Wall Components I: Sulphated Polysaccharides
21 Brown Algae Herbivore Defenses: Physodes (Containing Tannins)
Fig in Graham et al Brown Algae Plastids (PER)
Fig in Graham et al Brown Algae Plastids (PER) Plastid Membranes
Brown Algae Pigments I
6 Beta-Carotene Fucoxanthin Brown Algae Pigments II
8 Brown Algae Plastid: Pyrenoid
Brown Algae Storage Product: Laminarin Beta (1 – 3) Linkages
Brown Algae Cell Division
Brown Algal Cell Division (2n) (1n) Ectocarpus
Brown Algae Semi-Closed Mitosis
Brown Algal Cell Division: Cytokinesi s
Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) X Brown Algal Life Cycles
Fig in Graham et al Isomorphic Alternation of Generations (Ectocarpus) Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) Spore (n) Gametes (n) Zygote (2n)
11 12 Sporophyte Gametophyte Pleurilocular Gametangium Unilocular Sporangium Ectocarpus
Female Gametangium Male Gametangium Pheromone (= Sex Hormone) (e.g., Ectocarpene)
Ectocarpus: Asexual Reproduction
Sporophyte (2n) Ectocarpus Summary Gametophyte (1n)
13 Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations (Laminaria) 14 Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) Gametes (n) Zygote (2n)
Unilocular Sporangium Gametangia Sporophyte (2n)Gametophyte (n) Heteromorphic Alternation of Generations (Laminaria)
15 Fucus (Air Bladders, Receptacles)
Diplontic (2n) Life Cycle: Fucus Gametes (n) Zygote (2n)
Diplontic (2n) Life Cycle: Fucus Conceptacles, Ostiole, Female Gametangia, Male Gametangia Male GametangiaFemale Gametangia Gametes (n) Fucus
Sporophyte (2n) Gametophyte (n) X Brown Algal Life Cycles
18 Stramenopiles: Phaeophyceae 19
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