History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Glory That was Greece Part 1: Rise of City-States Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 111
Greece Rebuilds (review) Ca B.C.E. Trojan War Ca B.C.E.Mycenaean palaces collapse: Dark Age 850 B.C.E. Greek population begins to grow; trade and settlements increase: Archaic Period 776 B.C.E. Traditional date of first Olympic Games B.C.E. Homer 750 B.C.E. City-States emerge; overseas colonization begins; Greeks adopt alphabet from Phoenicians B.C.E. Hoplite armor and tactics develop; Spartans conquer Messenia.
Practice Map
Checkpoint: (cause and effect) 1.What geo-politico-economic factors led to the Trojan War? 2.The period after the fall of Mycenae has seemed “dark.” Examine 2 reasons. How has this period emerged more clearly to historians? 3.Why did ancient Greece develop into many small, self-governing city-states and why did they conquer or colonize surrounding regions?
Greece Rebuilds (review) B.C.E. Tyrants rule many city-states 600 B.C.E. Coins are first minted (Lydians); science and philosophy start in Ionia. 594 B.C.E. Solon reforms Athenian Constitution Ca B.C.E. Peisitratus and sons rule as tyrants in Athens; Sparta is dominant in Peloponnese 508 B.C.E. Cleisthenes’ democratic reforms unify Attica.
Class Activities Primary Source: Xenophon’s Constitution of the Lacedaemonians: What do you think daily life in military Sparta was like? Describe the Spartan student dress code. What was its purpose? What bias might the historian consider in examining this source?
Hoplite in full battle dress depicted on vase. Bronze shield used to create phalanx-protective formation. Hoplite Revolution Ca. 500 B.C.E.
Early Coins Lydian Lion Athenian Owl silver dekadrachm ( ca. 400 B.C. E.)
Solon : The Lawgiver Solon created fair and just laws. Solon initiated the formation of democratic government as opposed to absolute rule by nobility. Statues and sculpture of him are in the halls of the Library of Congress, US House of Representatives and the Supreme Court of the United States,
Peisistratus : The Builder and Civic Booster Respected Solon’s Reforms Created Festivals Initiated Public Building Projects Made People Proud to be Athenian
Cleisthenes Credited with having established democracy in Athens, His reforms (end of the 6th Century BC) made possible the Golden Age of Athenian civilization (5th Century BC.) Born into one of the city's foremost political dynasties (brother-in-law to Peisistratus:) an unlikely champion of the people when they rebelled against tyranny.
Themistocles Brilliant general + crafty politician Wartime leader (against Xerxes’ Persia) Defeats Persians- Salamis naval battle Arrogant, Corrupt (ultimately ostracized) Dies in Persia (working for enemy’s son!) “Tragic” Hero of Persian War
In Class Activity Who were the Spartans? (their gov’t, their society, their values) Who were the Athenians? (their gov’t, their society, their values) How did the Greeks view the “Other?” What were the Persian Wars? (Causes, effects) Explain Athens’ high point of importance (When, who, what effect) What was the Peloponnesian War? (Causes, effects)
Class Activities Check and rehearse your homework with a partner. Complete Graphic Organizer SpartaAthens Monitor your progress:
Words borrowed from Greeks Laconic Spartan Demagogue Draconian Ostracism tyrant What are their meanings today?
Assignment 1 Read and with your partner, divide the responsibility for the assignment below: 1.Complete Note Taking Study Guide 2.Define 12 bold-blue words and answer 4 Checkpoint questions. For the People’s Good: What battlefield behavior did Tyrtaeus praise? What might happen if a soldier in the front ranks of the phalanx fled?
Assignment 2 Read in text, pp and complete Note Taking Guide 4:3. Essay Writing Student Choice Activity for this week - 5 pts. Evolution of Classical Greek Forms of Government Due: (by ) Monday, 10/24 Athens Demands Action What did Miltiades demand of Callimachus and what did he say would happen if Callimachus failed? What does this speech suggest about Greek preparations for war against the Persians?
Assignment 3 Based on text, pp , define 6 bold- blue terms and answer 3 Checkpoint questions. Geography Interactive: Persian Wars Student Choice Activity for this week - 5 pts. Evolution of Classical Greek Forms of Government Due: (by ) Monday, 10/24
Assignment 4 Read text, pp. 129 and answer Thinking Critically (questions 1 & 2) 3.What did Pericles mean when he said that Athens “is an education to Greece”? 4.How did Pericles view public life? Monitor your progress: