Energy Community Secretariat Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, European Parliament Energy Community Activities and Outlook for the Future Brussels, 6 May 2015 Janez Kopač, Director1
Energy Community Secretariat Energy Community Map European Union Contracting Parties Candidate Observers 2
Energy Community Secretariat MINISTERIAL COUNCIL PERMANENT HIGH LEVEL GROUP REGULATORY BOARD (ECRB) SECRETARIAT (VIENNA) Political decisions Advisory body Working groups, Task forces Monitoring, coordination, support Energy Community Institutions JUDICIAL FUNCTION – DISPUTE SETTLEMENT PROCEDURE OIL FORUM GAS FORUM ELECTRICITY FORUM
Energy Community Secretariat 4 Energy Community Legal Framework ►Gas (Third package) (3 Directives, 2 Regulations) ►Electricity (Third package) (2 Directives, 3 Regulations) ►Environment (5 Directives) ►Competition (some provisions of the Treaty) ►Renewable energy sources (RES Directive) ►Energy efficiency (3 Framework Directives, 9 Technical Regulations) ►Antitrust and state aid (some provisions of the Treaty) ►Statistics (1 Directive, 1 Regulation) ►Oil (1 Directive) Brussels, 6 May 2015
Energy Community Secretariat 5 Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report Every Autumn C_HOME/DOCS/ /Energy_Co mmunity_Implementation_Report_20 14_WEB.pdf
Energy Community Secretariat 6Brussels, 6 May 2015 Third Package transposition in Contracting Parties I
Energy Community Secretariat 7Brussels, 6 May 2015 Third Package transposition in Contracting Parties II
Energy Community Secretariat What we know EU cannot achieve its energy policy objectives (security of supply, climate change etc.) without cooperating with its neighbours Energy Community Contracting Parties are an integral part of the EU’s internal energy market Energy Community has become an EU foreign energy policy tool Non-EU countries benefit from adopting a tried and tested legal framework to reform their energy markets, attracting investment, securing energy supply and raising citizens’ welfare in an environmentally sustainable way 8Brussels, 6 May 2015 Why an Energy Community? I
Energy Community Secretariat What we want Decrease the gap between implementation commitments and reality in Contracting Parties Overcome existing obstacles to interconnectivity and create a truly pan- European energy market Continue to harmonise legal frameworks (adoption of new acquis) Increase investor confidence in the Contracting Parties 9Brussels, 6 May 2015 Why an Energy Community? II
Energy Community Secretariat 10 Energy Community for the Future I 11 June 2014 Report on “An Energy Community for the Future“ by Energy Community High Level Reflection Group made proposals for reform Q Public consultation I and Hearing in European Parliament Q4/2014 Q2/2015 PHLG identify measures (European Commission seeks EU mandate) Public consultation II 16 Oct 2015 Energy Communigy Ministerial Council Adoption of measures and roadmap Q1/2015 Communication on Energy Union 25 Feb 2015
Energy Community Secretariat 11 Energy Community for the Future II 62 contributions from 20 countries
Energy Community Secretariat 12 An Energy Community for the Future III Proposed upgrades: Strengthening the role of civil society Making existing institutions more efficient Establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly Improving effectiveness of dispute settlement Adoption of additional acquis Improving security of supply - Revision of Regulation 994 on measures to safeguard security of gas supply Improving investment climate - Regulation 347 on Guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure
Energy Community Secretariat Thank you for your attention! Janez Kopač, Director13