Using Data to Drive Instruction Mrs. Contessa S. Bryant, Facilitator Thursday, January 27, 2005
A Quote “Effective educators make effective decisions, decisions based on accurate information. If knowledge is power, then studying the current abilities, skills, attitudes, and learning styles of students empowers educators to adjust the curriculum to achieve whatever goals the school and district has chosen.” -James Johnson
Reflection Log Do you agree with the quote on the previous slide? Do you agree with the quote on the previous slide? In what ways do you agree or disagree? In what ways do you agree or disagree? What questions do you have after reading the quote? What questions do you have after reading the quote?
Data for Everything We use data to do everything in our lives We use data to do everything in our lives Grocery shoppingGrocery shopping Who to date evenWho to date even What restaurants to visitWhat restaurants to visit
Business and Data Businesses (at least successful ones) have always used data to make the most informed decisions. Businesses (at least successful ones) have always used data to make the most informed decisions. Hire additional personnel or cutHire additional personnel or cut What products to buy againWhat products to buy again What avenue of marketing worksWhat avenue of marketing works What time of day to advertise on televisionWhat time of day to advertise on television
Education and Data To often in schools we do what we have always done. This is not because it was good or even effective. What we’ve always done is COMFORTABLE! To often in schools we do what we have always done. This is not because it was good or even effective. What we’ve always done is COMFORTABLE!
Reflection Log Do you constantly repeat lessons year after year? Do you constantly repeat lessons year after year? Why or why not? Why or why not? Is data the basis of your decision? Is data the basis of your decision?
Why Use Data in Education? Gain insights on students’ thinking Gain insights on students’ thinking Learn/identify strengths and weaknesses Learn/identify strengths and weaknesses To become more efficient and more effective To become more efficient and more effective To select appropriate strategies, approaches and materials To select appropriate strategies, approaches and materials
Why Use Data in Education? Con’t Data is the key to continuous improvement Data is the key to continuous improvement Data reveals patterns Data reveals patterns Data identifies strengths and weaknesses in a system Data identifies strengths and weaknesses in a system Data provides direction Data provides direction
Common School Data Types School-wide School-wide Classroom Classroom Grade level Grade level Climate Climate
School-wide Data Used for: Used for: Evaluating programsEvaluating programs Assessing teaching practicesAssessing teaching practices Identifying achievement gapsIdentifying achievement gaps Comparing student performance on district and statewide assessmentsComparing student performance on district and statewide assessments Placing teachersPlacing teachers
Classroom Data Used for: Used for: Assessing teaching gapsAssessing teaching gaps Effectiveness of lessonsEffectiveness of lessons Individual student achievement over timeIndividual student achievement over time
Grade Level Data Used for: Used for: Assessment of programsAssessment of programs Determination of modifications to be made for the following yearDetermination of modifications to be made for the following year Comparisons betweenComparisons between
Climate Tells how those affected by the system feel about the system Tells how those affected by the system feel about the system TeachersTeachers StudentsStudents AdministratorsAdministrators parentsparents
Data Sources Formal Assessments Formal Assessments FCATFCAT District testsDistrict tests Informal Assessments Informal Assessments Surveys, observations, running records, reading inventories, anecdotes, writing samples, student work, reflections, portfolios, checklists, interviews, etc.Surveys, observations, running records, reading inventories, anecdotes, writing samples, student work, reflections, portfolios, checklists, interviews, etc.
The Process – A Little Research Determine what it is you would like to know Determine what it is you would like to know Choose the time period Choose the time period Choose the best data sources to gather information Choose the best data sources to gather information Collect information in the most efficient way Collect information in the most efficient way Evaluate findings (identify strengths and weaknesses) Evaluate findings (identify strengths and weaknesses) Determine a new plan/strategy Determine a new plan/strategy
Deming – Plan, Do, Study, Act Do StudyAct Plan
Reflection Log Think of a time you used the aforementioned process to make adjustments in your class. This is called action research. Write that time down in your reflection log. Think of a time you used the aforementioned process to make adjustments in your class. This is called action research. Write that time down in your reflection log.
Things to Know Not every intervention will be successful for every child Not every intervention will be successful for every child Efforts may lead to unanticipated results Efforts may lead to unanticipated results Data driven decision making is CONTINUOUS! Data driven decision making is CONTINUOUS!
A COMPARISON Decision Making Based on Intuition, Tradition, and Convenience Data Driven Decision Making Scattered staff development programs Focused staff development programs as an improvement strategy to address documented problems Reports to the community about school events Organized factual reports to the community about the students’ learning progress Staff assignments based on interest and availability Staff assignments based on skills needed as indicated by data Goal setting based on votes, favorite initiatives, or fads Goal setting based on data about problems and possible explanations
Reflection Log What type of school/teacher would you rather be? What type of school/teacher would you rather be? Why? Why? Write your feelings and opinions in the reflection log. Write your feelings and opinions in the reflection log.
An Exercise Each table will be given some data. Those at the table should work together to complete data analysis and application sheet. Blank sheets have been attached to be used as scratch paper. Be prepared to share your findings. Each table will be given some data. Those at the table should work together to complete data analysis and application sheet. Blank sheets have been attached to be used as scratch paper. Be prepared to share your findings.