January Happenings!!
Important Dates Week of January 23-28, 2012 Tues. Jan. 24- Parent Art 8:45 am Saturday, Jan. 28- Family Fun 12:00pm Trip to Parsons School of Design for a Family Build Day See Ms. Perez for Registration (main office)
Essay contest winner: Anthony Guerrido Class 501 “STEM lessons teach me how to plan through the engineering design and scientific process. This helps me to set goals and game plans in my life and when I play. I know that I am where I am today thanks to my teachers at the STEM Institute. I am a stronger student and have more knowledge. I have my own game plan for my life and know that I will achieve it! Anything is possible!”
Special Thanks to All of the Contest Entries! You Made Us Proud! Fanta, Grade 1 Amir, Kindergarten
The Celebration Continued… My magnet school, STEM Institute of Manhattan, helps me achieve my dreams by helping me to get better ideas of what to do when I grow up. It also helps me by giving me more information about things I don’t know such as Engineering. I have learned that engineers create and design buildings, cars, and materials. Maybe when I grow up I might become an engineer. -Tiekoro, 501 I have a dream of being a problem solver. This is an important skill to have because it will help me in my life. It will help me to get along with people. It will also help me to get a job. I will do better in my life if I know how to solve problems. -Ashley, 401 Quaizhe, Grade 2
January 19 was Family Engineering Night! The room was packed as families came together to participate in a round- robin of “Eggs-ellent” Engineering Activities!
Families were challenged to design and create safe methods of transportation for eggs- much like engineers do for riders of cars or amusement park rides! “Only a few eggs were harmed as a result of these design challenges!”
We Learned About Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy… And Used the Engineering Design Process…
See You at the Next Family Night!
Family The Center for Architecture Building Bridges Workshop Our designs… At work… Finished product…
Next Family Day: Family Fun Parsons!! Scrapyard Challenge Jr. !! Discover how electricity works and how we can harness it to create delightful playthings that move and make noise. FREE!!!! Metrocards Provided! See Ms. Perez, Parent Coordinator or send tear-off slip to your child’s teacher. Saturday, January 28, 2012 –12:00 pm for coffee and doughnuts, 12:15 head to the subway. Event takes place between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Families will work together and can stay as long as they want!