+ HWSS Course Selection 2016
+ Grad Program Requirements 80 Credits Minimum to Graduate Core Courses + GT = 48 credits An Applied Skill OR Fine Arts course in Grade 10, 11 or 12 is required = 4 credits 4 additional electives in 10, 11 or 12 AND 3 additional grade 12 only electives = 28 credits
+ CORE Courses Grade 10 Required English 10* A Math 10* PE 10 Planning 10 Science 10* Social Studies 10 Grade 11 Required An English 11 A Math 11 A Science 11 A Social Studies 11* Grade 12 Required An English 12* Grad Transitions * = provincial exam
+ Grad Transitions Community Connections 30 hours of volunteer OR work experience documentation Personal Health DPA (150 mins/week of physical activity), Positive Health Choices, Emotional Health Management Career & Life Career & Life Plan package, Resume, Cover letter Presentation
+ Social Studies Social Studies – 10, 11 Socials Cultural Exchange – 10, 11 Civics 11 First Nations 12 GRADE 12 OPTIONS Comparative Civilizations 12 Geography 12 History 12 Law 12 Psychology 12 Social Justice 12
+ English English 10, 11, 12 English Honours 10, 11, 12 Communications 11, 12
+ English Language Learning In the spring, our EAL team will assess students for placement in appropriate EAL courses Students can be reassessed in August if they complete additional courses in the summer
+ Progression for English as Additional Language Learning Students
+ Mathematics Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 10 Foundations of Mathematics and Pre-Calculus 10 Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 11 Apprenticeship & Workplace Mathematics 12 Foundations of Mathematics 11 Foundations of Mathematics 12 Pre-calculus 11 Pre-calculus 12 Calculus 12Calculus 12 AP Math 9 Intended for study in majority of trades and workforces Intended for study in programs not requiring theoretical calculus Intended for study in programs requiring theoretical calculus
+ Science Science 10 Biology 11, 12 Chemistry 11, 12 Earth Science 11 Geology 12 Physics 11, 12 Science & Technology 11 *Note: If you are planning on going into the Sciences in post secondary, make sure you carefully check the requirements of the specific programs at each institution
+ Science Co-op 11 Biology 11 Co-op Chemistry 11 Co-op Work Experience 11 PE 11 Co-op For more information contact Mr. Baldus at On your course request form: - Fill out your requests as if you are NOT in a co-op - check the box that states you are interested
+ Elective Areas: Visual ArtsHome Economics Music LanguagesTechnology Education Information Technology Business Education Fitness, Leadership, Peer Tutoring Performing Arts Peer TutoringFilm & Multimedia Work Experience
+ A note about Languages… Did you know? You do NOT need a second language to graduate The majority of post-secondary institutions do not require a language ALWAYS CHECK the individual post secondary institution If you need a language 11, but did not take a language 9 or 10, you can take the combined accelerated “Intro11” course which will then allow you to take a language 11 course At HWSS we offer Intro Japanese 11, Intro Mandarin 11 and Intro Spanish 11
+ Peer Tutoring This course has a component in class supporting the teacher and a component of outside of class time doing readings, reflections and assignments Application Process See your counsellor for more information and an application form Select this course on your course selection form You will only be scheduled in this course IF you have been approved
+ Online Courses If you: Are self-motivated An independent learner Are computer literate Have good time management skills Have effective written communication skills Visit: or talk to your school counsellorhttp://online.sd43.bc.ca *Note: Some post secondary institutions are being more restrained about accepting online courses for admissions *Note: online course ≠ study block
+ Study Block Criteria – Grade 12 only Second semester only You are taking an Academically Challenging course load (at least 3 core academic courses in each semester) You will graduate with at least 92 credits You are a student in good standing in terms of attendance and work habits You have counsellor, parent/guardian and administrative approval Process: See your counsellor for an application form Final approval will be given by an Administrator and will be based on educational need(s) of the student *Note: PROCEED WITH CAUTION – having a study block could impact your Honour Roll standing (8 courses required), ability to access some awards/scholarships and your admission into some post secondary institutions
+ External Credits…Did You Know Music, dance, drama, speech and communication Post Secondary courses Languages Sports: Athlete, Coach, Cadets, Guides, Scouts Industrial and Occupational: Tourism, Lifesaving, Red Cross, Water Safety, First Aid, Computer Certification, ICBC Driver Education Check out the Ministry of Education website for more info D5AECAEB0FF938E470 *Note: Some external credits are only worth half of a regular course credit (i.e. 2 credits instead of 4)
+ How do you decide? Think about: What you like to do Where you excel Your skills and talents Challenge yourself to try something new Your plans for after high school What is REALISTIC
+ There are many options for after graduation Trade Schools Apprenticeships College University Institutes Travel Workforce ….
+ Remember: No Road is ever CLOSED
+ Trades SSA ACE - IT Think Ahead… Ms. Ashley Impellezzere Mr. Doug MacLean Trades & Transitions Coordinator SD 43
+ Regardless of your career aspirations… if you have/get a paying job in a trade you will receive credits toward high school graduation.: 120 hrs working = 1 course … earn up to 4 courses Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA) Most Popular ‘student’ trades Car Mechanic Carpenter Cook Landscaper Sheet Metal worker Tilesetter … more than 100 trades in BC
+ ACE IT (trades) Programs Coquitlam School district offers 14 foundation trades programs that will teach the technical and practical training required to write the ITA certification exam at the end of the semester. ACE IT = Trades Training
+ ACE IT Programs Automotive Service Centennial (sem 2) Auto Collision RepairerFull VCC (sem 1 + 2) Auto Refinishing Tech VCC (sem 2) Bricklayer (Mason) Thomas Haney (sem 2) [Professional] Cook Cent, River or Glen (sem 2) Carpenter Terry Fox (sem 2) Electrician Charles Best (all year: p 1 & 2) Gleneagle (all year) VCC (late Aug – end Jan) Metal BCIT (Feb – mid-July) BCIT or KPU (Feb – mid-July) Motorcycle BCIT (Feb – end of June) [Commercial] Painter6 FTI (mid-June – end of July) Plumber/Piping6 PIC (mid-June – end of July)
+ ACE IT Programs
+ Doug MacLean e: p: SSA + ACE IT contact
+ Think Ahead… Transition Courses (for students still attending high school) Headstart to Art – Emily Carr University of Art and Design Open to all grade 12s – Year 1 Foundations “Drawing and 2D Language” – 3 ECUAD credits Concurrent Courses – Douglas College Open to all grade 12s – university transfer courses – 3 Douglas College credits, which are transferrable to other institutions Concurrent Courses – Simon Fraser University Open to all grade 12s – 3 SFU credits Forklift, Scissor and/or Bobcat Occupational First Aid Certification Check minimum requirements ( See Ms. Butler in the Career Centre for more details
+ Think Ahead… College In BC Grade 12 Graduation Minimum: English Grade 12 courses Check individual program requirements Douglas College has a University Transfer Associate Degree See Ms. Butler in the Career Centre
+ Think Ahead… University In BC English 12 and a minimum of 3 Approved Academic Courses (each University has its own list of what they consider “approved”) Be aware of the minimum mark for Math 11 and English 12 for each university Be aware of Language Requirements Universities outside of BC often have more requirements MAKE SURE YOU CHECK EACH INSTITUTION CAREFULLY Each Institution has different requirements See Ms. Butler in the Career Centre
+ Take your time – These are important decisions The course planning booklet is on our website. Please read through course descriptions carefully.website Your choices determine the courses offered in our school timetable There are many reasons you may not get all of your requests (conflict, courses not running, courses are full…) We will not be able to make changes based on: Friends Teacher preference Semester Time of Day Once you know what courses you want, it is time to fill in the course selection sheet.
+ Course Request Form There are three parts to the front of the form: 1. Name and Contact Information 2. Course Requests including Alternate Elective Requests and which course, if any, are you planning to take in summer school (if you are certain you are taking a summer school course, fill out the form as if you have credit for the course) 3. Graduation Checklist On the back of the form is a list of the Elective Courses You need to fill out all 8 course requests, plus two alternatives (these are just as important) Pay attention to FL, AM or PM – as these are courses “outside the timetable” and do NOT count as your 8 courses Bring your course request form to your assigned course request day
+ Course Request Important Dates: Grade 9 Course request sheets DUE to office Monday February 29 Grade 10 Course request sheets DUE into Planning Classes Tuesday February 23 or Wednesday February 24 (which ever day is YOUR planning class) Computer selection will happen during planning class next week. All EAL Course request sheets DUE Friday, February 26 Grade 11 Course request sheets DUE Thursday, February 25 (at your scheduled time) Schedules will be posted soon Parent Information Night (all grades) Wednesday, February 6:00pm This powerpoint along with course request forms and the course description booklet will be available on the Website under “Publications” and in the Folder “Course Planning”