Water.europa.eu Priority substances inventoryemissions, discharges and losses Priority substances inventory emissions, discharges and losses Working Group.


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Presentation transcript:

water.europa.eu Priority substances inventoryemissions, discharges and losses Priority substances inventory emissions, discharges and losses Working Group E 24 – 25 June 2010 Joachim Heidemeier – UBA (DE) Lauriane Greaud – MEEDDM (FR) Madalina David - DG Environment (EC) Agenda item 5

Working Group E Priority Substances, Mandate of the DG on PS inventory guidance Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010

Working Group E Priority Substances, Background  Article 5 of the EQS Directive (2008/105/EC):  MSs shall establish an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses of all 33 priority substances and 8 certain other pollutants for the RBD or part of it (international RBD), including concentrations in sediment and biota Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010 Objectives  preparation of the technical guidance for the establishment of an inventory on emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances  the guidance will cover the methodologies to develop the inventory and the fact sheets for each of the priority substances

Working Group E Priority Substances,  case study will be provided to:  Develop a harmonised basin wide methodology for the inventory of emissions, discharges and losses;  Establish a basin wide link between this inventory and other relevant inventories such as EPER/E-PRTR;  Improve the knowledge on sources, pathways, discharges and losses of priority substances to allow the identification of targeted and effective control measures. Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010  it is proposed to use readily available information:  EPER, E-PRTR + ETC-Water document summarising E-PRTR data  Art. 5 and 8 Reports of the WFD + RBMPs (Art. 15 of the WFD)  Outcomes of the reporting obligation under Art. 15(4) of the UWWTD  EEA’s SoE-WISE ‘Emissions to Water’ reporting process  How to build an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses (IOW)  Report on sources and measures (produced by DG on emissions)  Source screening sheets produced for existing PS  relevant studies and researches (e.g. SOCOPSE, ScorePP, FOOTPRINT)

Working Group E Priority Substances, Structure and organisation  work on preparation of the new guidance: Drafting Group (DG) co- lead by DE, FR and COM and ICPDR Expert Group on Pressures and Measures to deliver the case studies  nominations for the DG: EEA, NL, BE, AT, ES, IT, experts from ICPDR group on Pressures and Measures (ICPDR secretariat, SK, HU, RO and HR) and industry representatives: CONCAWE, Cefic, NAVI TG and ECPA  Drafting Group will work under umbrella of the Working Group E; updates on the work developed by the Drafting Group will be provided to the Strategic Co-ordination Group  ad hoc meetings or exchanges are foreseen to share views on information to be used, discussions of the specific issues and the technical documents  links with other activities (international river and marine conventions, IPPC, REACH, Pesticides, Biocides) Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010

Working Group E Priority Substances, Timetable Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010 Consultation of the Working Group E mid-April SCG and Water Directors agree mandate May 2010 Presentation of approach to WG E June st first working draft document/ beginning of the scooping of the testing January 2011 Revisions and consultation with WG E February 2011 Presentation of the 1 st working draft documentMay 2011 First consolidated draft document to be consulted with WG E beginning of June Presentation of consolidated 1 st draft document to WG-E meeting end of June 2011 Sharing experiences on the testing of the guidanceSeptember 2011 Amend document to reflect Member States written comments and the outcomes of the testing September 2011 Final version to be agreed by WG-E October 2011 SCG Directors endorse final version November 2011 Article 21 Committee's adoptionFebruary 2012

Working Group E Priority Substances, Outcomes of the DG informal meeting (26 May 2010, Brussels)  Participants: Germany, France, Austria, the Netherlands, experts from the ICPDR Pressures and Measures Expert Group (ICPDR Secretariat and Slovakia), CONCAWE, NAVI Task Group, EEA and DG Env Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010

Working Group E Priority Substances, Summary of discussions  scope of the guidance beyond the legal requirements;  main issues to look at when an inventory is established (e.g. need for a common rules for emissions' calculations (e.g. emission factor); identification of all types of pollution sources either significant or non-significant, including historical pollution; how to populate the inventory; data availability and quality of the data provided; flexibility/acceptability);  experiences on methodological approach in different countries: special attention to diffuse sources;  possibility to develop a tool using a harmonised tiered approach;  link with other relevant policy areas: E-PRTR approach and the analysis done by ETC on water;  use the results of relevant projects: FOOTPRINT, ScorePP, SOCOPSE, FATE and EIW-PSS projects Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010

Working Group E Priority Substances, Way forward  investigate more the possibilities of having common rules for emissions' calculations as well as to learn from others' experience (e.g. emission guide book);  use the data reported under UWWT database, E-PRTR and REACH + modelling using data from these sources (e.g. on urban waste water infrastructure);  streamlining of data and efforts;  more in-depth discussions on the methodologies used by different Member States and on the criteria to be used to check whether these are comparable;  CIRCA folder to upload meeting/discussion documents ( y_substances/drafting_substance&vm=detailed&sb=Title); y_substances/drafting_substance&vm=detailed&sb=Title  July 2010: first draft table of contents will be circulated to the DG members and they will be invited to: provide written comments and offer to draft/contribute to different chapters;  next meeting: September 2010 (Denmark, Copenhagen). Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010

Working Group E Priority Substances, Draft proposal: Table of contents  Executive summary  Introduction: purpose of the guidance  Definitions: what means discharge, emission and loss, characteristics of point and diffuse sources, regional scope of the inventory  Working methodologies: general components of an inventory, influence of hydrology on transfer processes into the aquatic environment, regionalisation of inputs, description of different methodology used in the MSs to define an inventory, comparability of the methodologies, sources considered/data collection quality of the data provided, gaps identification and interpretation of the results  Conclusions: findings of guidance, recommendations towards a comparable pan European picture  Term of references  Annexes: Fact sheets for each of the priority substances Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010 Not discussed/ agreed with DG !!!

Working Group E Priority Substances, Thanks for your attention…. Working Group E, 24 – 25 June 2010