Abraham meets Abimelech, a King. He lies about Sarah again.
Abimelech takes Sarah to his house.
Now, all the women in Abimelech’s house can’t have childre n.
God warns Abimelech in a dream.
Abimelech is angry at Abraham for lying.
Abraham prayed, and the women could have children again.
Abraham and Sarah leave Abimelech’s house but with many gifts.
Finally, Isaac is born! Abraham is 100. Sarah is 90.
Abraham circumcised Isaac on the 8 th day.
One day, Sarah didn’t like Ishmael interacting with Isaac. Maybe he was “playing” or “teasing.”
Abraham sent Hagar and Ishmael away.
Hagar gave up. She thought they were going to die.
An angel told Hagar that God would bless Ishmael too.
Ishmael grew up to be an archer. God watched over him.
Hagar got an Egyptian wife for Ishmael…and a cat.
Watch the video “Abraham and Isaac Ch ” One youtube through bhcsbi ble.weebly.com Watch the video “Abraham and Isaac Ch ” One youtube through bhcsbi ble.weebly.com
God promised that Isaac would be the chosen son to inherit the covenant blessings—the land and the big family. Now, God was asking Abraham to kill him. This seems cont radictory. Abraham demonstrates great faith. He still believes that God will keep h is promise about Isaac, even though Abraham is going to kill Isaac God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac. God provided a ram, and God kept his promise about Isaac. God sacrificed His own son, Jesus, as a provision for all of us.
One day, Sarah died. She was 127 years old.
Abraham wanted to buy a cave to bury his wife.
Abraham bought the cave from the Hittites and buried Sara h.
Later, Abraham asked his servant to help find a wife for Isaa c.
The servant prayed to God for help.
The servant found Rebekah. She was perfect!
Rebekah’s family let her go.
The servant took Rebekah home.
Isaac and Rebekah got married.
Later, Abraham got married again too. He had lots more kid s.
Abraham sent his other children away with presents.
Finally, Abraham died. He was 175 years old.