Damian Gordon
Things to bring into class: ◦ Pens and pencils ◦ Paper ◦ A Bottle of water
Damian Gordon
When you get a lab/assignment: Open a Word document Immediately, stick in some text, e.g. save it as OperatingSystems-1-Lab3.docx Operating Systems 1 Lab #3 Damian Gordon D Due Date: 29th Feb 2016
Consider using Google Calendar to record due dates of all your assignments and labs: When you get a chance to read the lab/assignment add in notes into the document of the actions you need to take to complete the lab/assignment.
If you work really hard on the labs and assignments and then don’t submit them correctly, that’s an awful waste of time. Don’t rush the submission part of the labs and assignments, it’s the only bit your lecturer experiences of the effort you put into your work!
Damian Gordon
Remember I’m a lecturer, it’s my job, so when you are sending s to me, they are work s are far as I am concerned, so I expect you to communicate with me in a professional way.
I want you to use your DIT .
Please me at
I want to get s with this format: Damian, I am a student in your Operating Systems 1 (TECH1120) class in the BSc in XXX (DTXXX/1).. Regards, Your Name DTXXX, BSc in XXXXX
For the Labs and Assignments I think it's usually better to cut-and-paste text rather than re-typing it. So for the subject heading, the blog post titles, my address, and so on, it's best to just cut-and- paste those details, re-typing can led to errors.