Proper Nouns
Nouns are words that name people, places, things, and animals.
Some nouns name a special person, place, thing, or animal Some nouns name a special person, place, thing, or animal. These nouns are called proper nouns, and they begin with a capital letter.
Jan school state girl city cat New York City Tennessee Sam teacher When a person, place, thing or animal has a name, you have to use a capital letter when you write that name. Proper Noun _____________ Noun __________________ New York City Tennessee Sam Jan school teacher state girl city cat
store wal-mart Which word is a proper noun?
state texas Which word is a proper noun?
Which word is a proper noun? central park park Which word is a proper noun? C P
Which word is a proper noun? Jefferson city city Which word is a proper noun? C J
a city a state your dog a teacher a friend It’s your turn to write. Think of a proper noun. Write a story about it. You could write about one of the following. Make sure to use specific names! a city a state your dog a teacher a friend