Instruments in The Redeemer’s Hands Chapter 5 Understanding Your Heart Struggle
Concepts and Objectives ConceptConcept PersonalizedPersonalized Related to OthersRelated to Others
Fights and Quarrels James 4:1-10James 4:1-10 What causes human conflict?What causes human conflict? Understanding our angerUnderstanding our anger
How Desirers Take Control 1.Desire: “I want.” 2.Demand: “I must.” 3.Need: “I will.” 4.Expectation: “You should.” 5.Disappointment: “You didn’t.” 6.Punishment: “Because you didn’t, I will ____________”
Change Involves Two Things 1.“Wash your hands.” (Change your behavior) 2.“Purify your hearts.” (Rid my heart of idols)
Powerful Emotions and Powerful Desires How our hearts struggle and shape our responses Galatians 5: The call (v. 13) 2. The struggle (v. 17) 3. The warning (v. 15) 4. God’s provision (v. 24)
As you deal with your daily situations and relationships, what things tend to control your heart? The Big Question
CPR 1. Concepts 2. Personalized 3. Related to others
Make It Real Jesus looked beyond external behavior to the heart. Examine your heart: 1. What is God exposing? 2. Where is He calling you to change? 3. Pray about these things.