Heat Energy & Water: Sublimation: process by which a solid changes directly into a vapor (gas). When air is dry & temp below freezing, ice and snow may sublimate into water vapor. Deposition: water vapor turning straight to ice. This is how frost is formed.
Most water in atmosphere comes from evaporation: water absorbs heat from sun. Liquid into a gas. The ocean is principal source of atmospheric moisture.
Amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is known as humidity. More evaporation means increased humidity. Saturated – the air is holding as much vapor as it can at a given temp. As temp + air capacity + and vice versa. Relative humidity – how close to saturation point. (g/m 3 ). Changes with temp.
Specific humidity – actual amount of moisture in air. Number of grams of water vapor in 1 kg or air. Does not change with temp. Dew point – Temp to which air must cool to reach saturation.
Any temp below dew point means vapor condenses to liquid or solid by sublimation. Air may cool to dew point when the air contacts a cold surface. EX: grass, leaves and other objects at night If dew point falls below the freezing temp of water, water vapor will change directly into solid ice crystals or frost.