Roger Trinquier and Modern Warfare 17 AUGUST 2015 MAJ William B Pittman
Key Takeaways “Modern Warfare” Victory determined by population Terrorism
Agenda Biography Historical Context Contributions to Military Theory Legacy Summary Bibliography
Biography 1931 – Commissioned (Infantry) – Indochina – China 1946, 47, – Indochina 1957, – Algeria 1961 – Retired 1961 – Modern Warfare Roger Trinquier
Historical Context Modern Warfare 1960 World War II Battle of Algiers Chinese Civil War Chinese Civil War Enters Army French-Indochina War Dien Bien Phu Algerian Revolution Trinquier’s Service Indochina 31-37, 46-48, China Algeria 57-61
Theories Modern Warfare Enemy is not a traditional army Enemy will use terrorism Counterinsurgency Tactics Simultaneous tasks Annihilate the insurgency Win the population Brutality No time limit Thesis: the local population’s confidence and allegiance determines victory in modern war
1. Clandestine Organization Established 2. Indiscriminate Attacks 3. Civilians Killed; Police Overwhelmed; Chaos 4. Army Called in to Intervene 5. Insurgency Targets Officials 7. Insurgents Begin to Gain Some Support from Population 8. “Preventive Assassinations” 6. Tensions Between Authority and Population 9. “Military Conduct of the War” Occupy/Curfew/Control Large Intelligence Operations Propaganda Social Services 10. Population Sides with Government 11. Insurgency Begins to Disintegrate Anatomy of Modern Warfare
Legacy South America United States Population Control FM 3-24 Augusto Pinochet President of Chile
Summary “We know that the sine qua non of victory in modern warfare is the unconditional support of a population.” R. Trinquier, Modern Warfare
Bibliography Aussaresses, Paul. The Battle of the Casbeh: Terrorism and Counter- Terrorism in Algeria New York: Enigma Books, Fivecoat, David G. and Aaron T. Schwengler. “Revisiting Modern Warfare: Counterinsurgency in the Mada’in Qada.” Military Review. (November-December 2008): Headquarters, Department of the Army. Field Manual 3-24: Counterinsurgency. Washington, DC, December Heuser, Beatrice. “The Cultural Revolution in Counter-Insurgency.” Journal of Strategic Studies 30, no. 1 (2007): Horne, Alistair. A Savage War of Peace: Algeria New York: The Viking Press, Trinquier, Roger. Modern Warfare: A French View of Counterinsurgency. New York: Praeger, Porch, Douglas. Counterinsurgency: Exposing the Myths of the New Way of War. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.