9 Insert Your Chapter Title Here Data Collection Tools Author name here for Edited books
Data Collection Tools Selection considerations Two primary categories Research question Research design Type of data (quantitative or qualitative) Population Two primary categories Subject-completed instruments Researcher-completed instruments
Subject-Completed Instruments Instruments that provide quantitative data: Written questionnaire or survey—questions with a limited number of response options (closed-ended questions) Self-checklist—limited number of items to choose from on a list. Subjects check items that are completed or that they prefer. Instruments that provide qualitative data: Written questionnaire or survey—questions that are open ended (e.g., essay form)
Written Questionnaire Question (Quantitative Data) What is your age? 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69
Likert Scale (Quantitative Data) Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree 1. The instructor was well prepared for every class. 1 2 3 4 5
Self-Checklist (Quantitative Data) Which of the following activities would you be interested in doing with your teenager during the spring and fall? Please check your top FIVE choices. ____ Archery ____ Kayaking ____ Swimming (indoor) ____ Biking ____ White-water rafting ____ Climbing wall ____ Canoeing ____ Nature programs ____ Rock climbing ____ Paddle boating ____ Fishing ____ Hiking ____ Sailing ____ Field day (variety of sports and outdoor activities) ____ Orienteering (map and compass)
Written Questionnaire (Qualitative Data) What did your child like the most about his or her day camp experience? What suggestions do you have to improve the day camp for next year?
Table 9.1 DO NOT EDIT [tab 9.1, id # 354210]
Researcher-Completed Instruments Instruments that provide qualitative data: Focus group—Open-ended questions are presented to a group of subjects. Unstructured interview—Open-ended questions are presented to individual subjects. Observations—The researcher watches what occurs and records the observations. (continued)
Researcher-Completed Instruments (continued) Instruments that provide quantitative data: Structured interview—The researcher reads a survey with limited response options to the subject (closed-ended questions). Performance checklist—The researcher checks off skills that can be performed by the subject. Product evaluation—The researcher evaluates the product of an individual (e.g., a bowl made on the potter’s wheel). Rating scale—The researcher ranks items from highest to lowest.
Focus Groups and Unstructured Interviews The researcher asks open-ended questions to people in a face-to-face format. What do you like best about the recreation facility? What do you dislike about the recreation facility?
Table 9.2 DO NOT EDIT [tab 9.2, id # 354211]
Structured Interview The researcher interviews a person by reading a written survey with closed-ended questions in a face-to-face format. The researcher records responses on the survey. Example: Age question
Performance Checklist The researcher has a checklist of skills and notes what skills the person can perform. Example: Swim lesson Prone float on belly Prone float on back Bob 10 times consecutively
Product Evaluation The researcher evaluates a product by applying a predetermined set of criteria. Example: Pottery class Throwing a pot on a wheel Thickness of sides is not more than 1/4 inch. Thickness of bottom is not more than 1/2 inch. Height of pot is at least 5 inches. Pot is symmetrical.
Rating Scale Rating scales are often used in competitive sports. Example: Diving competition Rating scale from 0 to 10 0 means the dive was not performed. 10 means the dive was perfect.
Table 9.3 DO NOT EDIT [tab 9.3, id # 354212]
Table 9.3 DO NOT EDIT [tab 9.3, id # 354212]
Two Options for Data Collection Instruments Find a preexisting instrument Instrument generally has been used in the field. Instrument has validity and reliability. Researcher can locate instruments through literature and studies on similar topics. Create your own instrument Researcher must field-test. Researcher must establish validity and reliability.
Table 9.4 DO NOT EDIT [tab 9.4, id # 354213]