Northern Renaissance Key Points
Brugel We know little of his life except that he had been to Italy, like so many northern artists of his time, and that he lived and worked in Antwerp and Brussels
Brugel Children’s Games, everyday life scene.
Jan Van Eyck His naturalistic panel paintings, mostly portraits and religious subjects, made extensive use of disguised religious symbols. The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami; 1434
Gutenberg and the Printing Press BeBefore Gutenberg, books were either copied out by hand on scrolls and paper, and even a small book could take months to complete, or printed from hand-carved wooden blocks, each block printing a whole page, a part of a page or even individual letters fore Gutenberg, books were either copied out by hand on scrolls and paper, and even a small book could take months to complete, or printed from hand-carved wooden blocks, each block printing a whole page, a part of a page or even individual letters
Guttenberg Bible