Paul is upset because his girlfriend stopped dating him. Lily is trying to make him feel better. (L = Lily, P = Paul) Conversation.


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Presentation transcript:

Paul is upset because his girlfriend stopped dating him. Lily is trying to make him feel better. (L = Lily, P = Paul) Conversation

L: What’s the matter, Paul? You look really unhappy! P: I am. Jane stopped dating me last week. Now I can’t stop thinking about her. I feel as if I were going crazy. break upall L: No, you’re not. People break up all the time the time. Believe me, you’ll get over it. Conversation

P: No! No! I’ll never be happy again. I just can’t live without her. L: Oh, that’s nonsense, Paul! You’re sad, of course, but it’s not the end of the world. You must go on with your life. P: How can I, when Jane was the most important part of my life? Conversation

L: That’s it. She “was” the most important part! She isn’t the only girl on the planet, you know. Just remember, “There are lots of fish in the sea.” P: Maybe. But I really believed that she was the one for me. Conversation

L: Look around you. There are nice girls everywhere. You’ll find someone else. P: Hmm... Perhaps. But right now, I’m too unhappy to even think about other girls. Conversation

L: Poor Paul! “Love hurts,” doesn’t it? give up on But you shouldn’t give up on love because of one girl. Your Miss Right patient will appear one day, so just be patient. P: That’s difficult at the moment, Lily, but I’ll try. 結束放映Conversation

Tips for you 1. break up 1. break up 分手

Tips for you 2. all the time 2. all the time 總是,經常

Tips for you 3. give up on 3. give up on 死心,放棄

Tips for you 4. patient 4. patient [`peS1nt] adj. 有耐心的

stop + V-ing 停止 ( 正在做的事 )… ‧ We stopped talking when the teacher entered the classroom. stop to V stop to V 停下 ( 原來在做的事 ) 而去做 … ‧ Jenny stopped to work. (Jenny 停下來去工作。 )

What’s the matter? 發生什麼事了? → What’s wrong? → Is anything wrong? → Is everything all right? → What’s happened to you? 此外, “What’s the matter with + sb?” 可 用來詢問「某人發生什麼事?」。例: ‧ What’s the matter with Rita? She is crying.

I feel as if I were going crazy. (1) as if = as though 「好像 … 」在這裡所 引導的子句動詞為假設語氣的過去 式,表達「與現在事實相反」的狀 況。例: ‧ Willy talks as if he knew everything about show business.

(2) go crazy 發瘋 go 為連綴動詞,表示「變得 … 」, 後面可接形容詞。 ‧ My mother’s hair is going gray. I feel as if I were going crazy.

break up 分手 break up with + sb 表示「與 … 分手」。 例: ‧ Teddy broke up with his girlfriend and soon had a new one.

get over 從 ( 震驚、疾病或傷心 ) 中恢復過來 ‧ Nancy gradually got over her illness as time passed by.

that’s nonsense 胡說八道;胡扯 nonsense n. [U] 胡說 speak/talk nonsense speak/talk nonsense 胡說八道 ‧ Mark is drunk and talking complete nonsense.

go on with + V-ing/N 繼續 … ‧ Melody didn’t want to go on with being a secretary all her life, so she went to study abroad. ‧ We don’t have much time, so let’s go on with our work.

I’m too unhappy to even think about other girls. 表示「太 … 以致於不能 … 」。例: ‧ Jeremy was too tired to get up early this morning.

patient adj. 有耐心的 ‧ The teacher was very patient with the children. patience n. [U] 耐心 ‧ Most teenagers don’t have much patience with their parents.

at the moment 現在,此刻 ‧ I’m very busy at the moment, so I can’t talk to you right now. moment n. [C] 時刻,一會兒 ‧ I need to speak to you for a moment. 字詞搭配

at any moment 隨時 ‧ If you have questions, call me at any moment. at the last moment 最後一刻 ‧ Danny always enters the classroom at the last moment. 字詞搭配 結束放映