November Prayer
Loving Father, we offer this prayer for the passing of our loved ones
We offer this prayer in truth, from the very core of us.
As part of the Spiritan community, let us work together to keep the flame of faith burning brightly,
As it did at the beginning when our founders walked before us.
May we deepen our compassion for one another
Embracing the memories of our past and the hope of our future.
Lord, we ask you to dwell in the lonely moments
those that arrive when we least expect them,
and ask that you take our constant prayer for peace, into your loving embrace.
Let the holiness of the Saints spill into our lives
And flow through the gaps in our humanity.
May we embrace from their lives of grace an ability to walk in your everlasting light.
Generous God, bless our fragmented busyness
With an endless reminder that... You are.