Framework Chapter 1 Panko, Corporate Computer and Network Security Copyright 2002 Prentice-Hall
2 Figure 1-1: CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey How Bad is the Threat? Survey conducted by the Computer Security Institute ( Based on replies from 503 U.S. Computer Security Professionals. If fewer than 20 firms reported quantified dollar losses, data for the threat are not shown.
3 Figure 1-1: CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey ThreatPercent Reporting an Incident 1997 Percent Reporting an Incident 2002 Average Annual Loss per Firm (x1000) 1997 Average Annual Loss per Firm (x1000) 2002 Viruses82%85%$76$283 Laptop Theft58%65%$38$89 Denial of Service 24%40%$77$297 System Penetration 20%40%$132$226 Unauthorized Access by Insiders 40%38%NA
4 Figure 1-1: CSI/FBI Computer Crime and Security Survey ThreatPercent Reporting an Incident 1997 Percent Reporting an Incident 2002 Average Annual Loss per Firm (x1000) 1997 Average Annual Loss per Firm (x1000) 2002 Theft of Intell. Prop. 20% $954$6,571 Fin. Fraud12% $958$4,632 Sabotage14%8%$164$541 Telecom Fraud 27%9%NA Telecom Eavesdrop. 11%6%NA Act. Wiretap3%1%NA
5 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data Riptech Analyzed 5.5 billion firewall log entries in 300 firms in five-month period Detected 128,678 attacks—an annual rate of 1,000 per firm Only 39% of attacks after viruses were removed were directed at individual firms
6 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data Riptech 23% of all firms experienced a highly aggressive attack in a 6-month period Only one percent of all attacks, highly aggressive attacks are 26 times more likely to do severe damage than even moderately sophisticated aggressive attacks
7 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data SecurityFocus Data from 10,000 firms in 2001 Attack Frequency 129 million network scanning probes (13,000 per firm) 29 million website attacks (3,000 per firm) 6 million denial-of-service attacks (600 per firm)
8 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data SecurityFocus Attack Targets 31 million Windows-specific attacks 22 million UNIX/LINUX attacks 7 million Cisco IOS attacks All operating systems are attacked!
9 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data U.K. Department of Trade and Industry Two-thirds of U.K. firms surveyed lost less than $15,000 from their worst incident But 4% lost more than $725,000
10 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data MessageLabs One in every 200 to 400 messages is infected Most users are sent infected several times each year The percentage of s that are infected is rising
11 Figure 1-2: Other Empirical Attack Data Honeynet project Fake networks set up for adversaries to attack To understand how adversaries attack Windows 98 PC with open shares and no password compromised 5 times in 4 days LINUX PCs took 3 days on average to compromise