Hosted by Group Telecom (thank you Randy !) 525 attendees (445 in Miami) 17 countries Randy Neals
Countries Represented Canada 105 Japan 12 UK 5 Australia 5 Netherlands 9 Israel 2 Brazil 4 Korea 3 France 3 Sweden 3 Belgium 3 Singapore 3 S. Africa 2 Switzerland Ireland Spain U.S. 363 Red Wings - still counting Maple Leafs - out in round 3 1
46% 23% 19% 8% 4% Occupations at NANOG 16, 23, 24, 25 (consultant, gov’t., content provider)
Guest MC’s ! Elise Gerich The Founder 1994-‘96 Craig Labovitz The Entertainer Bill Norton The Raconteur 1996-‘98
Random Meeting Tips Please turn off cell phones & beepers Remember to introduce yourself when asking questions Presentation slides linked off agenda:
Network Information Wireless Multicast info for H.261, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 Streaming media IPv6 Use the Squid cache!
Squid, DNS, DHCP Duane Wessels
Where to Go for Help: Wireless, Ethernet, v6 Dave Gilbertson Bob Stovall Felicia Maloney
Network setup, A/V Betty Burke Sue Joiner Charlie Stratton
RealMedia Jason Russell
Multicast Hans Kuhn Lucy Lynch and Joel Jaeggli
Registration Carol Wadsworth Dawn Kahn
Flattering Comments About Moi Jeff Ogden
Please Fill Out Your
Tonight’s Events Beer ‘n Gear 5:30 BOFs at 7:30 Peering BOF V NANOG - feedback wanted !
Afternoon Break Sponsor
Our Host ! Robert Watson