1- Handling The Olympus GEMs at MIT-BATES between June 6th-August 8th Manufacturing The GEMs at HU-GEM LAB since Sep 2010 OZGUR ATES HAMPTON UNIVERSITY 17 February 2011
What is a GEM foil ? 70 µm 140 µm 70 µm 55 µm 5 µm 50 µm`` Typically 5 m Cu on 50 m kapton ~10 4 holes/cm 2 Chemical etching R. De Oliveira (CERN-EST) TechEtch (MIT) 3M Corporation Laser drilling Tamagawa (RIKEN)
How does a GEM Detector work? High Rate Capability Good spatial and angular resolution GEM = Gas Electron Multiplier introduced by F. Sauli in mid 90’s, F. Sauli et al., NIMA 386 (1997) 531
Luminosity Monitors: Telescopes Forward telescopes 12 o 2 tGEM telescopes, 1.2msr, 12 o, R=187/237/287cm, dR=50cm, 3 tracking planes TOF Luminosity monitors for LEPTON in coincidence with Recoil PROTON detected in the opposite sector, and vice versa. LEPTON PROTON LEPTON PROTON
5 The Proposed OLYMPUS Detector
Luminosity Monitors: GEM + MWPC Forward elastic scattering of lepton at 12 degrees in coincidence with proton in main detector Two GEM + MWPC telescopes with interleaved elements operated independently Scintillator for triggering and timing High redundancy – alignment, efficiency Two independent groups (Hampton, PNPI) Prototypes: GEM MWPC
1- Handling The Olympus GEMs at MIT-BATES between June 6th-August 8th 2010 Received the total 51 GEMs come with 5 Batches Optically Inspected 100% of the MIT CCD Scanned 30% of the MIT HV-Tested 100% of the MIT Glued into the Frames 35% of the BATES
10 2. Manufacturing The GEMs at HU-GEM LAB
--32 GEMs, --16 Pressure Foils(Al Mylar), -- 8 High Voltage Foils, Now We can make 8 stacks!!! We have done the Gluing Sessions:
Stretching and gluing of GEM foils
GEM Lab at HU
GEM2D and Cosmic Ray Test Stand
15 Gluing of the first stack January 19, 2011
CompanyFoil NumberCapacitenceLeak Tech Etch7 (Batch 2)4.75 nF0.40 nA Tech Etch9 (Batch 2)4.80 nF0.46 nA Tech Etch10 (Batch 2)4.77 nF0.30 nA Tech Etch12 (Batch 2)4.71 nF0.11 nA Tech Etch13 (Batch 2)4.84 nF0.20 nA Tech Etch15 (Batch 2)4.67 nF0.10 nA Tech Etch18 (Batch 2)4.82 nF0.60 nA Tech Etch20 (Batch 2)4.63 nF0.04 nA Tech Etch21 (Batch 3)4.75 nF0.22 nA Tech Etch23 (Batch 2)4.78 nF0.28 nA Tech Etch24 (Batch 2)4.72 nF0.76 nA Tech Etch25 (Batch 2)4.72 nF0.33 nA Tech Etch26 (Batch 2)4.67 nF0.20 nA Tech Etch28 (Batch 3)4.73 nF0.09 nA Tech Etch31 (Batch 4)4.70 nF0.08 nA Tech Etch32 (Batch 4)INFN Chamber 4.9nFINFN Chamber 0.3nA Tech Etch33 (Batch 4)4.69 nF0.04 nA
Tech Etch34 (Batch 4)INFN Chamber 4.9nFINFN Chamber 0.3nA Tech Etch35 (Batch 4)4.69 nF0.09 nA Tech Etch36 (Batch 4)4.78 nF0.20 nA Tech Etch37 (Batch 4)4.83 nF0.07 nA Tech Etch38 (Batch 4)INFN Chamber 4.9nFINFN Chamber 0.2nA Tech Etch39 (Batch 4)4.79 nF0.20 nA Tech Etch40 (Batch 4)4.75 nF0.20 nA Tech Etch41 (Batch 4)4.76 nF0.09 nA Tech Etch45 (Batch 4)4.69 nF0.05 nA Tech Etch46 (Batch 5)4.79 nF0.41 nA Tech Etch47 (Batch 5)4.83 nF0.16 nA Tech Etch48 (Batch 5)4.70 nF0.15 nA Tech Etch49 (Batch 5)4.62 nF0.22 nA Tech Etch50 (Batch 5)4.79 nF0.15 nA Tech Etch51 (Batch 5)4.79 nF0.34 nA
19 Schedule Jan. 21, 2011First OLYMPUS GEM detector taken to DESY Feb. 8, 2011Expect delivery of VME crate and CPU at Hampton Feb , 2011Juergen to visit INFN Rome, to test FE cards with this GEM Mar. 10, 2011Expect delivery of VME based HV modules Feb Mar. 17, 2011 Complete GEM assembly and cosmic ray testing at HU; integrate INFN electronics with new VME system Mar. 17, 2011Shipment of GEMs and VME system to DESY Mar. 26, 2011Juergen to return to DESY Mar Aug. 27, 2011 Ozgur Ates (graduate student) to come to DESY April 2011GEMs + electronics at DESY, prepare for test with beam May 2-29, 2011DESY testbeam to test performance of GEMs & Moller sys. Jun.-Jul Assemble lumi telescopes and install in OLYMPUS detector August 2011 Rolling-in