Announcements Reading is available from web site. Read it closely by next Thursday and be prepared to discuss in class!!! Urban Forestry project, we'll probably start on campus. Meet in Rm. 202, as usual, next week.
Urban forestry Ideas about how to incorporate new technology into botanical collections and studies. A bit of plant ecology but will also allow you to practice identifying trees that you will see on a daily basis.
Muller's ratchet Haldane's rule
Levels of evolution Genes or DNA Genome Individual Population Species Species flock or grove Ecological community
Individuals are the level where natural selection acts most directly
Plants can have tremendous fecundity. Recruitment rates are extremely low. Life history strategies are plastic and adaptive to local environments. Ploidy level variation exists within species.
Populations 'meta-populations' Shifting due to climate change
Populations Sex-ratios can vary. Effective population size. Pollen and seed migrate differently. Environmental gradients.
Species The coin and currency of conservation. Speciation. Reproductive Isolation Mechanisms. Extinction.