® MedBiquitous Projects and Connect Points to GIR MedBiquitous Annual Conference 2012 Morgan Passiment AAMC Valerie Smothers MedBiquitous
® What is the GIR? GIR Simulation/Improve Patient Care Digital Research Enterprise Workforce Security Meaningful Use/EHR AAMC
® Current GIR Projects in Education Identifying and shaping how simulation enhances learning across the continuum of health education for improved patient care Defining core components of a mature education infrastructure to support health education’s movement to competency-based integrated learning delivery Updating Effective Use of Educational Technology in Medical Education Report
® Competency-based learning and assessment Defining the competencies Defining the progression towards competence and beyond Tracking individual competency and skills across organizations Tracking curricula and looking for trends
® The standards framework
® Connect points: Standards key for: Measuring the impact of simulation and other technologies Integrating simulation tools and other technologies
® Connect Points GIR research can inform standards development – it already has!
® Breakout discussion Strategists (CIOs, etc): discuss strategies of implementing MedBiquitous standards Implementers (programmers, etc): discuss practical aspects of implementing MedBiquitous standards Choose a scribe & presenter 10 min