Middle Ages: People Moving
Why did people build castles during the Middle Ages?
Label the Map Scandinavia Scandinavia Britain Britain Russia Russia Central Asia Central Asia Hungary Hungary Mongolia Mongolia Germanic Lands Germanic Lands France France Constantinople Constantinople
Draw an arrow from Central Asia to Hungary. Label this arrow Magyar migration.
Draw an arrow from Scandinavia to Russia. Label this the Viking migration. Viking
Draw an arrow from Mongolia to Russia, China and Southwest Asia. Label this Mongol migration. Mongol Draw crowns to show that Mongols built an empire.
Draw an arrow from Central Asia to Constantinople. Label this Ottoman invasion. Put a date: 1453 AD. Ottoman invasionOttoman invasion
Draw an arrow from Germanic lands to Britain. Label this Angle-Saxon migration.
Draw an arrow from France to Britain. Label this Norman Invasion Norman Invasion Norman Invasion
What are the impacts of these migrations and invasions: Feudalism got stronger because castles were built for protection. Feudalism got stronger because castles were built for protection. Trade was disrupted. Towns declined. People needed to make their own things, so self-sufficient manors became more important. Trade was disrupted. Towns declined. People needed to make their own things, so self-sufficient manors became more important.