Today’s Agenda…1-31 Bellringer: Compare folded, fault-block, volcanic, and upwarped mountains. (Don’t forget to use your bellringer sheet) Notes on Earth’s Atmosphere Homework: Name the Layer Worksheet
Think about it!??! Why can we live on Earth, but not on the moon? Why do astronauts have to wear space suits and helmets on the moon? What causes Earth to have air and not the moon?
Earth’s Atmosphere Study Pack #2
Today’s Goals… I can describe the layers of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Atmosphere Thin layer of air that forms a protective covering around the planet What would happen if Earth did not have an atmosphere? – Maintains a balance of heat on Earth – Protects life forms from the sun’s harmful rays
What is it made of? Mixture of gases, solids, liquids Nitrogen is the most abundant gas Oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide
The Atmospheric Layers Layers: – Troposphere – Stratosphere – Mesosphere – Thermosphere – Exosphere
Troposphere Lowest layer We live here Extends up 10 km Weather and clouds are here
Stratosphere 10 – 50 km up Contains the ozone layer – Shields you from the sun’s harmful UV rays
Mesosphere 50 – 85 km You may see shooting stars here
Thermosphere 85 – 500 km Has very high temperatures
Ionosphere In the mesosphere and thermosphere is the ionosphere A layer of electrically charged particles Allows AM radio waves to travel across the country
Exosphere Space shuttles orbit here There is no clear line between this layer and space
Atmospheric Pressure Atmospheric gases reach hundreds of kilometers above Earth’s surface The force of gravity pulls gases down which causes them to press down on the gases below Air pressure is greater near Earth’s surface and it decreases higher in the atmosphere
Atmospheric Pressure Why is it difficult to breath as you go higher into the atmosphere? – The air is less dense (less pressure) – There are fewer molecules of air
Temperature in the Atmosphere The layers of the atmosphere are mostly based on differences in temperature Let’s find out how! Look at the diagram on page 344!
Temperature in the Atmosphere
Homework… Read each statement Identify the correct layer of the Earth