Ch. 7.3 Layers of the Atmosphere Chapter 7 section 3 page 267.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 7.3 Layers of the Atmosphere Chapter 7 section 3 page 267

Anticipatory Set Here’s an example of people who used the Earth’s atmosphere for something fun… o o

Standards and Objectives S 6.4e: Students know differences in pressure, heat, air movement, and humidity result in changes in weather. S 6.4e: Students know differences in pressure, heat, air movement, and humidity result in changes in weather. Students will know: Scientists divide Earth’s atmosphere into four layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and the thermosphere. Scientists divide Earth’s atmosphere into four layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and the thermosphere. Each layer has a characteristic Each layer has a characteristic

Language of the Discipline Troposphere Troposphere Stratosphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Thermosphere Temperature Temperature Ionosphere Ionosphere Exosphere Exosphere

Troposphere (Input) Troposphere: The inner, lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere Troposphere: The inner, lowest layer of Earth’s atmosphere The troposphere is the layer where Earth’s weather occurs. The troposphere is the layer where Earth’s weather occurs. This is the layer where we live. This is the layer where we live.

Stratosphere Stratosphere: Extends from the top of the troposphere to about 50 kilometers above Earth’s surface. Stratosphere: Extends from the top of the troposphere to about 50 kilometers above Earth’s surface. 2 nd layer of atmosphere. 2 nd layer of atmosphere. Contains ozone layer. Contains ozone layer. Cold at about -60 degrees Celsius Cold at about -60 degrees Celsius

Mesosphere & Thermosphere Mesosphere: The middle layer of the atmosphere Mesosphere: The middle layer of the atmosphere It is the layer that protects Earth’s surface from being hit by most meteoroids. It is the layer that protects Earth’s surface from being hit by most meteoroids. Thermosphere: the outermost layer of earth’s atmosphere Thermosphere: the outermost layer of earth’s atmosphere Extends from 80 kilometers above Earth’s surface to space. Extends from 80 kilometers above Earth’s surface to space.

Thermosphere -cont. Temperature is the average amount of energy of motion of each molecule of a substance. Temperature is the average amount of energy of motion of each molecule of a substance. Gas molecules move rapidly in the thermosphere, so temperatures are high. Gas molecules move rapidly in the thermosphere, so temperatures are high. The thermosphere is divided into two layers. The thermosphere is divided into two layers. Ionosphere: lower layer of thermosphere Ionosphere: lower layer of thermosphere Exosphere: Outer portion of thermosphere Exosphere: Outer portion of thermosphere

Checking for Understanding Which is the middle layer of Earth? Which is the middle layer of Earth? Mesosphere Mesosphere What is the first layer of Earth? What is the first layer of Earth? Troposphere Troposphere Which layer contains the ozone layer? Which layer contains the ozone layer? Stratosphere Stratosphere What is the outermost layer of Earth? What is the outermost layer of Earth? Thermosphere Thermosphere