Famine Early Warning Systems Network Where do we need your help? The FEWS NET III Approach, current food insecurity, and implications for science partner collaboration October 2012 FEWS NET Science Meeting Santa Barbara, CA
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK Regional Training Meetings Presentation of IPC v2.0 2 day training on scenario development Sessions on new reporting processes, report formats, key messages Management sessions 2013 Meetings o May 2013 All-FEWS in DC o Aug/Sep 2013 Regional Meetings
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK2 Areas and Issues of current concern Global Issues U.S. Drought and price impacts Southern Hemisphere seasonal progress El Niño 5 new RM countries
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK3 Where could we use additional assistance? 1.ENSO monitoring Additional historical analysis (e.g., Southern Africa SOS) Common global approach to FEWS NET ENSO monitoring and analysis Looking beyond ENSO – discussion and consideration of other climate/atmospheric phenomena (MJO, IOD)
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK4 Where could we use additional assistance? 2. Analytical tools Updating and increased/improved use of the Forecast Interpretation Tool (FIT) GeoWRSI – Why don’t we use this more? NDVI – Can we expand our use of better cropped area polygons, like in Sudan and Somalia Assistance in getting additional forecast information from ECMWF
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK5 Where could we use additional assistance? 3. Guidance and training during FY 2013 Remote Sensing Product Guidance – description of each product’s source, purpose, challenges, etc plus interpretation guidance. Guidance document and training module on how to build rainfall assumptions
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK6 Where could we use additional assistance? 4. Other issues/suggestion/questions Waterhole monitoring – we like it, is it expanding? How can we more easily access historical Rainfall and NDVI time series? And what opportunities are there to look further back? Lots of products and portals are being developed, can we streamline? Can you help us reconstitute historical crop production databases? What is the status of the global remote sensing product for RM (i.e. DSI). Crop production outlook in key southern hemisphere countries Yemen? Improved seasonal monitoring products and forecast analysis
__________________________________________ FAMINE EARLY WARNING SYSTEMS NETWORK7 QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS?