By Deanna Karamitsos Arcenia Pineda Jacqueline Genung
Hot,hot, hot, right now we’re near a star and it’s really hot. Do you know what’s in a star? There are hot gases that’s why it’s so bright, when you look in the sky.
Constellations are made up of groups of stars. Stars look like they are close together but they are not. Constellations are made of patterns formed by stars.
Did you know that men on the ships use the North Star to find the shore? Did you know that another name for the North Star is Polaris?
Here are some names of the constellations.Some of the constellations: ScorpiusLeoGeminiOrionPegasusHerculesDraco AND MORE
Did you know that there are 88 constellations? Wow that’s a lot. Did you also know that there are over 1 million stars making up all of the constellations. Wow that’s is sure a lot?
What did you learn, alien friends? Constellations are groups of stars Big balls of hot gases are inside stars The North Star has another name and it’s…Polaris, and men on a ship use Polaris to go to shore.
Thank you for watching our Slide Show. I hope you enjoyed it. THANK YOU ! THANK YYYYYOOOOUUUU!