Unit 8—Chapters The Civil Rights Movement, JFK, and LBJ CSS 11.10, 11.11
Part Five Kennedy’s New Frontier 11.11, , , EQ #5: What were the goals of Kennedy’s New Frontier?
Camelot The First Television Debate, million watched the 1st televised debate JFK looked fresher and more prepared Nixon had 5 o’clock shadow JFK was tan and fit JFK won the election by 1/10 of a percent
Camelot John F. Kennedy (43) young senator from Massachusetts WWII navy veteran Richard Nixon (47) young senator from California WWII navy veteran former vice president
Camelot Kennedy Mystique young, charismatic, energetic handsome man Jackie was fashionable and modern advisers were intelligent, successful men administration was called Camelot like King Arthur the Kennedy family has tragedy like King Arthur as well
The New Frontier The New Frontier, 1961 Kennedy’s domestic program medical care for seniors more educational opportunities gov.’t help to stop recession integration and equality in Am. society “Ask not what your country can do for you…”
The New Frontier Equal Pay Act, 1963 “equal pay for equal work” later laws ended discrimination for race, ethnicity, and gender
The New Frontier Deficit Spending Kennedy fought depression and high unemployment tax credits for businesses tax cuts for the middle class higher taxes for the wealthy more military spending first peace-time deficit the budget topped $100 billion for the first time
The New Frontier Space Race at first, the USSR was ahead JFK promised to put a man on the moon by 1970 Project Mercury, 1959 – 1963 manned spaceflight Project Gemini, 1965 – 1966 rendezvous and docking Project Apollo, 1961 – 1975 moonlanding in 1975, the US and USSR began to work together
Kennedy’s Assassination Lee Harvey Oswald JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas in November 1963 Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby two days after being arrested and before he could go to trial Ruby died in prison a year later the nation was numb with shock
Kennedy’s Assassination Warren Commission Earl Warren led an investigation and concluded that Oswald was working alone conspiracy buffs blame the mafia, the USSR, Castro, or others for JFK’s death LBJ was sworn in on Air Force One
EQ #5: What were the goals of Kennedy’s New Frontier?