Have your Homework out and ready. WELCOME, BIO-NINJAS Today you will need: Writing Utensil, Bellwork Sheet, Vocabulary, Binomial Nomenclature sheet, Journal. Have your Homework out and ready. Bellwork for today: Which alien do you agree with the most? Explain your reason. Alien 1: I learned in second grade that organisms are classified based on where they live. Alien 2: I disagree. Organisms are classified based on their physical appearance and internal structure. Alien 3: I disagree. Organisms are classified by how they move. Trees are in Kingdom Plantae because they don’t move. Alien 4: I agree, mostly. I think how they move is important because animals move and plants don’t. But there must be more to classification, because humans are not animals.
HW: Classification Levels Search for the YouTube video “Classification Levels” by Alyssa Dolny. *Yes…you can expect a quiz.
Homework Quiz: You may use your homework…if you did it. 1. Write down the classification levels in the correct order. 2. What is the phrase the video gave you to remember the order? 3. What are the three Domains? 4. What level contains the most organisms? 5. What level contains the smallest amount? *Bonus: What animal does Mrs. Dolny say is “super cute”?
Turn it in… Return to your desk and prepare for notes. Title: Taxonomy Essential Question: Why is Taxonomy important and helpful to scientists?
Homework tonight… Dichotomous Key by Mark Drollinger Due tomorrow at the beginning of class. Yes, there will be a quiz. Time on the video is only 2:39.
Museum of Natural History: 33 million things
Classification = grouping based on similarities.
In Biology: Taxonomy = the process of classifying and naming biological (living) organisms. .
EVOLUTIONARY CLASSIFICATION Biologists group organisms based on: Evolutionary descent-(common ancestor) Homologous structures Embryo development Molecular Homologies (DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequence) Biogeography physical similarities.
The major classification levels, from most general (broadest) to most specific Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species BROADEST TAXON Genus and species are the two names used to identify specific organisms in the binomial system of classification. Division is used for plants. Most Specific A group at any level is a taxon. Multiple levels are taxa.
Darling Katy Perry Came Over For Good Soup!
Let’s look at some animals
Devil Cat
Ghost Cat
Mountain Lion
Screaming Cat
Florida Panther
There are at least 50 common names for the animal shown on the previous 7 slides. Common names vary according to region. How could we fix this problem?
copyright cmassengale Carolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778 18th century taxonomist. Called the “Father of Taxonomy”. Classified organisms by their structure. Developed naming system known as binomial nomenclature, a two-word name (Genus and Species) copyright cmassengale
Confusion in Using Different Languages for Names copyright cmassengale
Latin Names are Understood by all Taxonomists copyright cmassengale
Binomial Nomenclature a two name system for writing scientific names. The genus name is written first (always Capitalized). The species name is written second (never capitalized). Both words are italicized if typed or underlined if hand written. Example: Felis concolor or F. concolor Which is the genus? The species? Turdus migratorius
Why use this system? To identify organisms accurately & uniformly (same way everywhere) Uses same language (Latin or some Greek) for all names Prevents misnomers *(a starfish and jellyfish aren't really fish at all)
Binomial Nomenclature Which TWO are more closely related? copyright cmassengale
The six kingdoms in the classification system are: 1. Eubacteria 2 The six kingdoms in the classification system are: 1. Eubacteria 2. Archaebacteria 3. Protista 4. Fungi 5. Plantae 6. Animalia
Activity: Glue in vocab and half sheet.
Debrief What characteristics do you think separate the different kingdoms? What are some things you would classify in the kingdom Fungi? Eubacteria? Plantae?
Walking Review (Friday)
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Organism Cat Wolf Fly Animalia Phylum Chordata Arthropoda Class Mammalia Insecta Order Carnivora Diptera Family Felidae Canidae Muscidae Genus Felis Canis Musca Species F. domesticus C. lupus M. domestica Have students study this chart. The next slide lists three questions to answer using this chart. You may have to advance to the next slide, let students read the question and then come back to the chart so they can find the answer.
What type of animal is Musca domestica? From the table, which 2 animals are most closely related? 3. At what classification level does the evolutionary relationship between cats and wolves diverge (become different)?
What is the scientific name for the Canada goose? Explain which two organisms are the most closely related. Which taxa do the human and goose have in common?
At which taxon do the lion and lynx diverge? Which kingdom does C. comatus belong to? Which taxa do the lion and lynx have in common? What is the scientific name for the lion?
11. Describe 2 conclusions that can be made from this information. African Buffalo Burchell’s Zebra Grant’s Gazelle Animalia Chordata Mammalia Artiodactyla Bovidae Synceruscaffer Perissodactyla Equidae Equusburchellii Nangergranti 11. Describe 2 conclusions that can be made from this information.
The information below describes the most specific levels of classification that the mushroom sea squirt, Sycozoa gaimardi, shares with four other organisms. 12. To which of the four organisms is the mushroom sea squirt most closely related? The mushroom sea squirt is in the same class as the common sea grape. The mushroom sea squirt is in the same family as the blue spot ascidian. The mushroom sea squirt is in the same order as the white speck tunicate. The mushroom sea squirt is in the same phylum as the starry skate.
13. Which of the beetles above must belong to the same family?
Whales Most Closely Related 14. Four students researched the classifications of the following eight whales: killer whale, Orcinus orca gray whale, Eschrichtius robustus humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae pygmy right whale, Caperea marginata fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis bowhead whale, Balaena mysticetus The students were asked which two whales are most closely related and why. The table below summarizes the students’ answers. Based on the classifications, which student gave the correct answer to the question? Student Whales Most Closely Related Reason 1 killer whale and gray whale They are both mammals. 2 humpback whale and pygmy right whale They are both whales. 3 fin whale and minke whale They are both in the same genus. 4 North Atlantic right whale and bowhead whale They are both in the same family.
15. Which two organisms are most closely related? California Sea Lion Galápagos Sea Lion New Zealand Sea Lion Kingdom Animalia Animalia Phylum Chordata Chordata Class Mammalia Mammalia Order Carnivora Carnivora Family Otariidae Otariidae Genus Zalophus Phocarctos Species californianus wollebaeki hookeri 15. Which two organisms are most closely related? 16. Which taxa do all three organisms share?
The Ursidae family of animals includes the giant panda, the brown bear, the polar bear, and the spectacled bear. Which of the following characteristics best helps classify these bears into genus and species levels? A.eating habits B.gene sequences C.method of reproduction D.location of natural habitat
Scientists compared the DNA sequence of a gene in four mammals Scientists compared the DNA sequence of a gene in four mammals. A portion of the gene’s DNA sequence in each mammal is shown below. 18. Based on the sequence data, which of the mammals are most closely related to each other? Mammal DNA Sequence 1 TCTCAACTACAA 2 TCTCAGCTGCAA 3 ACTCAGCTACAA 4 TCTCAGCTGCAG
18. Identify the organism pictured below
19. Identify the organism pictured below
20. Identify the organism pictured below
Alyssa Dolny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiLZ-BIfpkg