GEE 21 English Language Arts: An Overview
Why is it important? Shows what you have learned and how you compare to the rest of Louisiana To graduate high school, you must achieve APPROACHING BASIC on both Math and English Language Arts sections and APPROACHING BASIC on EITHER Science OR Social Studies. Help make NOCSMHS known as a competitive high school Goes on permanent record Increase the money we receive from state
Achievement Levels Achievement LevelDescriptionPoints Needed Advanced student has demonstrated superior performance over challenging material 90%-100% Mastery student has demonstrated competency over challenging material and is ready for post-high school schooling or work 76%-89% Basic student has demonstrated only a fundamental knowledge and skills needed for the next level of schooling 60%-75% Approaching Basic student has only partially demonstrated fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for the next level of schooling 50%-59% Unsatisfactory student has not demonstrated enough knowledge or skills necessary to move onto the next level of schooling. 49% and below
What will you be asked to do? Multiple Choice (similar to Getting It Straight questions Short Answer (similar to Ms. Chen’s Short Answer questions and Delve In paragraphs) Two Essays Big Essay: either persuasive or expository (not timed) Big Essay: either persuasive or expository (not timed) Compare/Contrast Mini-essay Compare/Contrast Mini-essay
Test Sections 1. Reading and Responding: Multiple choice and short answer questions. Read passages (poetry, fiction or nonfiction). Answer questions about main idea, theme, literary elements, author’s style, word meaning, form. Write a short, timed essay based on two of the selections you read. 2. Writing: Respond to a writing prompt. Written essay may be narrative, descriptive, expository or persuasive. 3. Proofreading: Multiple choice questions. Read a passage and correct mistakes in grammar, usage and mechanics 4. Using Information Resources: Multiple choice and short answer questions. Read a collection of articles and other research materials and answer questions about usage.
Testing Date Monday, March 19, Friday, March 23, 2007 We only have a month and half left!
How do I prepare? Pay attention in class and learn Read as many books as possible You have been preparing all year (50% of test is reading and responding) Attend GEE tutoring on Saturdays Take practice tests on pass