EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 1 EMU Alignment System Analog Data Analysis for ME+1yME+4 Stations Run: Aug 25-28, 2006 Magnetic field up to 4.0 Tesla Contents: Z-sensors R-sensors Proximity sensors Biaxial Inclinometers Temperature sensors Summary Endcap Muon Meeting at CERN Sept 18-19, 2006
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 2 The EMU Alignment Project task is to determine and monitor the position of CSC relative to each other and to the MAB. The alignment uncertainty should be comparable to the chamber resolution and it is defined as 75 m for ME1/2 and 150 m for the others stations. The temperature must be measured with ±0.1° C precision. Cable connection EMU Alignment system
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 3 Z-sensors Scale factor: - Z1 (Keyence LB-70) station ME+1 only: /- 0.1 V/ cm - Z1, Z2 (linear potentiometer) / / cm 42 Z-sensors: - 6 Keyence laser sensors - 36 potentiometers P1 - 15° P2 - 75° P ° P ° P ° P ° P1 P2 P3 P6 P5 P4 Z1 Z2 All (12) installed Z1 were broken during the disk closing. Only one Z1 sensor (ME+2, point 5) is probably good Z1 YE+3 YE+2 YE+1 Z2
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 4 Z-1 Sensors: ME+1 Station 6 laser displacement sensors were mounted on theYE+1 disk but only 3 MABs on YB2. YE+1 ANSYS calculation (EMU TDR, page C7) shows a distortion in Z-direction of endcap disks (outer edges) for about 6 mm that is in good agreement with Z1 laser displacement sensor data for upper point 2 but for lower point 5 and 6 the disk bend deformations are less than predicted. No linear dependence verses magnetic field was observed Z1 P1 P2 P3 P6 P5 P4
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 5 Proximity Sensors (ME+1 Station) Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 1 Pt. 6 Proximity sensor Transfer Plate X Y S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S1-S6 Sectors Px1/1 Px1/2 Px2/1 Px2/2 Px6/1 Px6/2 Px1/1, Px2/1, Px3/1…. 36/1 Outer Ring Px1/2, Px2/2, Px3/2…. 36/2 Inner Ring P1 - 15° P2 - 75° P ° P ° P ° P ° Scale factor for proximity sensors: / / cm All system contain 72 Proximity sensors The first sensors Px1/1 and Px1//2 of Sector 1 mounted near edge of the first ME1/3 chamber at - 5 o
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 6 Proximity Sensors: ME+1 Station (Sector4-6) Instability?
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 7 Chamber Displacements at 4.0T The distances between ME1/3 chambers increase with magnetic field and reached up to 700 m at 4.0T. A good correlation between aluminum Z-stoppers and proximity sensor positions was found.
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 8 Radial Sensors P1 - 15° P2 - 75° P ° P ° P ° P ° P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 X Y R3 R2 ME1 Station R2 R1 ME2,3,4 Stations 42 R-sensors (LPX-50 potentiometers) Scale factor for R- sensors: / V/ cm
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 9 R- Sensors: ME+1 Station
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 10 Distance between chambers verses magnetic field At magnetic field of 4.0 T: - the largest displacements between chambers (ME+1 station) do not exceed ~ 700 m - chamber displacement relative to transfer plate is less than 300 m P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 X Y
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 11 Inclinometers Scale factor: / V / Arc degree 14.3 mV / mRad Inclinometers wedge shimmed to approximately Horizontal +X rotation around a Z - vector +Y rotation around an R - vector (pointing out) P1 - 15° P2 - 75° P ° P ° P ° P ° P1 P2 P3 P6 P5 P4 Z When the rotation is less than about 4 degrees, the direction and magnitude of the resultant tilt is quickly obtained from the vector sum of the X and Y tilt measurements. Inclinometer 2 Inclinometer 1 Y X
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 12 Inclinometers: ME+1 (Points 1-3)
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 13 Inclinometers Results ? The tilt angle for ME+1 station at Point 2 Is very large (~ 4 mrad). Tilts for point 2 and 5 should be equal but have opposite signs? Need to check inclinometer mounting on the disks P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 X Y Disk Deformation
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 14 Temperature Measurements P1 - 15° P2 - 75° P ° P ° P ° P ° P1 P2 P3 P6 P5 P4 T1 T2 T3 Slope factor: T sensors: 1 degree K / 10 mV 72 thermocouple T-sensors (AD692) All installed temperature sensors are working and have reasonable data. Temperature variations are similar to day/night ambient temperature and do not exceed 2-3 degrees C. No difference in T1, T2 and T3 data for upper points (1-4) For lower points 5 and 6 (slice test chambers) there is a temperature variation between sensors of 2-3 degrees C and corresponds to a temperature distribution between the disk and the working chambers.
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 15 ME+1 Station: Temperature Variations
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 16 PX sensors: Temperature Correlation ME1/3 chamber position drift is about~35 m / o C
EMU Meeting, CERN, Sept 18-19, 2006O.Prokofiev 17 Summary The measured displacement of YE+1 disk in Z direction is about 6 mm for point 2 and agreed with ANSYS calculations. Displacements for point 5 and 6 are lees for 2-3 mm. Non linear dependence displacement verses magnetic field was observed. The distance between ME1/3 chambers (no overlapping) measured by proximity sensors is increased with field up to 700 m at 4.0 T. ME1/3 chamber position drift at 4.0 T verses of temperature is about of 35 m/ o C. The R displacement between ME1/2 and ME1/3 chambers at 4.0T is about 600 m and less than 300 m for ME+2, 3 and 4 stations. The chamber displacements relative to transfer plates are small and do not exceed m at 4.0 T for all stations. The inclinometer data show that tilt angle for station ME+1 measured for the ME1/2 chamber at Point 2 is about 4 mrad. This data need to compare with HSLM DCOPS data. For all inclinometers mounted on the transfer plates data are similar for all stations. Tilt angle for points 2 and 5 have the equal value but have to be opposite signs. Need to check inclinometer mounting position on the transfer plates. All temperature sensors present similar results. A temperature variation is correlated with ambient day/night temperature and do not exceed of 2-3 C o. Analog alignment system demonstrated a good performance and met technical specs