American Presidency
John F. Kennedy 1 st Catholic President Youngest Elected President “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Camelot New Frontier –Peace Corps Proposed: Medicare Civil Rights Act Aid to Education Public Housing
Great Society War on Poverty –Medicare & Medicaid –Civil Rights Act –Voting Rights Act –Economic Opportunity Act –Housing Act --HUD –Highway Safety Act –Head Start –60 Education Acts L.B.J.-- Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon Silent Majority Stagflation –90 day wage & price freeze Détente Watergate Crisis
Gerald Ford Pardoned Nixon WIN: Whip Inflation Now SALT II
Jimmy Carter Outside the Beltway Camp David Accords Iranian Hostage Crisis –53 Americans held for over a year
Ronald Reagan Conservative Revolution Sunbelt Politics Reaganomics —Supply Side— Trickle Down Theory--Voodoo Economics Moral Majority Iran Contra Scandal EPA Scandal Teflon President
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