The EU DataTAG Project Richard Hughes-Jones Based on Olivier H. Martin GGF3 Frascati, Italy Oct 2001
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester EU Transatlantic Gigabit project. Two main foci: Grid applied network research Interoperability between Grids 2.5 Gbps transatlantic lambda between CERN (Geneva) and StarLight (Chicago) Dedicated to research (no production traffic) Expected outcomes: Understanding the issues of Wide Area Grid Networking Better interoperability between GRID projects in Europe and North America DataGrid, possibly other EU funded Grid projects PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA) The EU DataTAG project
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester European partners: INFN (IT), PPARC (UK), University of Amsterdam (NL) and CERN, as project coordinator Significant contributions to the DataTAG workplan have been made by Jason Leigh of Illinois), Joel Mambretti (Northwestern University), Brian Tierney (LBNL). Strong collaborations already in place with ANL, Caltech, FNAL, SLAC, University of Michigan, as well as Internet2 and ESnet. Status: approved for 4 M ECU start on 1 Jan 2002 NSF support through the existing collaborative agreement with CERN (Eurolink award) The EU DataTAG Details
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester DataTAG project Abilene ESNET MREN STAR-TAP UK SuperJANET4 IT GARR- B IT GARR- B GEANT NewYork Olivier Martin NL SURFne t NL SURFne t 2.5 Gbit lambda between CERN and Starlight POS Installation: 2 nd half 2002 – WDM later STAR-LIGHT CERN
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester The DataTAG Workplan WP1 Provisioning & Operations (CERN) WP2: High Performance Networking (PPARC) High performance Transport – TCP/IP and alternate transports End to end inter-domain QoS Advance network resource reservation WP3: Bulk Data Transfer & Application performance monitoring (UvA) Performance validation End to end user performance Application performance Interoperability between Grids in Europe and the US PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA) PPDG, GriPhyN, DTF, iVDGL (USA) GRID resource discovery Access policies, authorization & security
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester 2.5 Gbps SDH “Lambda” 100/1000 Mbps Ethernet Amsterdam GSR λ Broker Application CERN StarLight Italy UK Optical Switching and DataTAG 7600 Iwire Abilene ESnet
Optical Networking Meeting DTI London Jan 02 R. Hughes-Jones Manchester TCP congestion control and High BW Single stream vs Multiple streams effect of a single packet loss (e.g. link error, buffer overflow) Time T Avg Gbps Avg Gbps 2T Avg. 7.5 Gbps Streams/Throughput T = 2.37 hours! (RTT=200msec, MSS=1500B) T T T Throughput Gbps DataTAG Network Investigations