Jennifer L. Burke MOJN Protocol Data Manager Bob Truitt MOJN Data Manager Dana Robinson GIS Specialist
Why Scope Objectives What is….. Progress Challenges Recommendations Questions and Discussion 2
Why manage data? ◦ An asset ($$$) ◦ Fit for purpose ◦ Compliant (metadata) ◦ Secure ◦ Information users ◦ Decisions 3
Comprehensive DM system Geospatial data ◦ GIS ◦ GPS 4
Coordination with all protocol leads effectiveefficient Develop long–term effective and efficient management plans Protocol support ◦ Technical writing Protocol Narrative and SOPs ◦ Information Workflow ◦ Develop databases ◦ Facilitate data sharing ◦ QA/QC and data integrity TC & BOD PM Protocols Data Management 5
WorkflowInformation Data ◦ Field data ◦ Geospatial data ◦ GPS data ◦ Photos ◦ Specimens/vouchers ◦ Lab samples ◦ Lab results QA/QC Disseminate Archive 7
Multiply workload by number of protocols Requires considerable planning by all staff Project management ◦ Time…… 8
MonthData Management Task January Reconcile and upload laboratory results to Master database February Season close-out Update protocol and data management SOPs March Compile data needs for IARs Compile and submit data to NPStoret April Update Master and Annual database and data entry forms May Prepare field equipment (e.g. GPS), update all SOPs, establish procedures for field data acquisition June Coordinate data acquisition Initiate data entry – hire/train technician Upload device data July Coordinate data acquisition Continue data entry Upload device data August Coordinate data acquisition Continue data entry Upload device data September Coordinate data acquisition Continue data entry Upload device data October Coordinate data acquisition Continue data entry Upload device data Close out MOJN field gear Compile discrete data for Project Lead November Certify data Transition data to Master dbs and geodatabases December Upload summary data to Master db Streams and Lakes Year round! 9
Port 10
Field Data 11
Built-in Quality Control ◦ Training (protocol lead) ◦ SOPs ◦ Field datasheets ◦ Database e.g. No default zeros, range of values, etc. Series of QA review steps Field Datasheets Review Data Entry QC Certify Data Manager Review Protocol Lead Analyses 12
Inventory and Monitoring Program ◦ Data Manager standards ◦ Database standards Water Resources Division and EPA ◦ Water quality sampling Vouchers Sensitive data Metadata 13
Never Ending Stories……. 0 100 % 14
TIME…… Constant coordination with protocol leads Field crew data delivery to MOJN Long term access and storage Dissemination to the parks on an annual basis Updating 17
Current personnel ◦ Protocol Data Manager ◦ Data Manager ◦ GIS specialist Future recommendation – Networks moving towards….. ◦ Data Manager ◦ Database Developer/Technician (GS-9) ◦ GIS Specialist 18
Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Ansel Adams, photographer, [Reproduction #: LC-DIG-ppprs-00284]. Thank you! 19