Www.see-grid-sci.eu SEE-GRID-SCI NA4 Progress PSC06 Istanbul, 7-8 December 2009 The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under.


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Presentation transcript:

SEE-GRID-SCI NA4 Progress PSC06 Istanbul, 7-8 December 2009 The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no Cevat Sener Dept. of Computer Engineering METU, Ankara

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ NA4.1 Study the Grid applications ■ NA4.2 Adapt Grid applications ■ NA4.3 Support the deployed applications ■ NA4.4 Assess applications Grid usage and take-up Activities

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ DNA4.1 Target applications analysis ■ DNA4.2 Application deployment and support ■ DNA4.3 Porting guidelines for target scientific fields ■ DNA4.4 User community engagement and applications assessment Deliverables

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Some more deployed in the last quarter – But not all! ■ Applications generally going well. ■ Some problems with CHERS ■ Its ASG team: Florin Pop and Emanouil Atanassov, in addition to Neki Frasheri ■ RO team is also ready for the support ■ Details shall be covered within the VO sessions. Gridification Status

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ All applications are supposed to have a web page or a wiki section with ■ Scientific model implemented ■ User documentation ■ Application Service usage – In case of a separate web page, there should be a link from the wiki ■ Many applications has improved their page/wiki section ■ However, some tend to postpone improving the content on the web till when their applications become fully-ready. Web Pages / Wiki

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Especially, MCSAES, CHERS, MSACM, MSERRHSA, CCIAQ, WRF-ARW and MDSSP-WA should improve asap. – But, all need to check considering the given list on the previous slide ■ ROMS has a web page, but no link from its wiki section Web Pages / Wiki

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Submissions to UF by most of the applications – except MSERRHSA and ROMS ? ■ Contributions to the VO training sessions ■ Applications prefer not to submit to iSGTW before their applications are fully-developed. ■ List of scientific events & journals to be announced (kept updated) by the VO Leaders & Scientific Representatives ■ Only by Seismo VO, so far, at ■ Number of publications from all three VOs Application Dissemination

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Seismology VO → OK ■ Meteorology VO → OK ■ Environmental VO ■ No VOMS group for CHERS ■ GreenView has only HU/App/Greenview but no RO/App/Greenview group – Instead there exist RO/App/ESIP? Application Accounting VOMS Groups

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, Application Accounting Number of Jobs ApplicationQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Nov'09 MCSAES MSACM SRA MDSSP-WA VOQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Nov'09 Seismo VO Envo VO Meteo VO

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, Application Accounting Elapsed Time ApplicationQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6 Nov'09 MCSAES MSACM SRA MDSSP-WA VOQ1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6 Nov'09 Seismo VO Envo VO Meteo VO

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Other applications not seen on the output ■ Their developers not using the VOMS properly on submissions? ■ Not yet implemented on the accounting portal? ■ Or ? ■ Any problem? ■ Total of applications << VO figures ■ Only in November there are 498 recorded submissions with VOMS role, but overall total for SRA jobs is only 17 according to portal (927 jobs from TR-03-METU listed in Seismo VO – almost all should belong to SRA). ■ Portal claims that there are 12 submissions from AM and 3 from RO, but they are collaborating to SRA. – Need to be figured out. Application Accounting

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ At EGEE'09 Dorian Gorgan participated to a meeting with GENESI-DR representative Roberto Cossu. ■ Proposed the setting up of a pilot data repository for the development tasks of the related international projects ■ He was to attend the GENESI-DR Workshop on "Earth observation data policy" at Villafranca on ■ To present the position and requirements ■ To iterate the proposal for the pilot data repository GENESI-DR Interaction

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Leading partner: RBI ■ Date of the deliverable: M20 (this December) ‏ ■ The goal of this deliverable: ■ Report the experience gained in the project by applications developers ■ Should be used to accelerate the migration of new applications to the grid ■ Focus will be on categorisation of porting issues for specific scientific fields DNA4.3

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Collect contributions from the partners through SEEGRID wiki pages – till 10th December ■ Develop new/upgrade wiki pages for Gridification Guide ■ Two types of contributions: ■ Update and correct old wiki sections ( section) ‏ ■ Fill-in new sections ( ) ‏ ■ From wiki pages extract contribution for the final deliverable ■ New wiki sections – the core of the DNA4.3 → main contributions are expected from this sections DNA4.3 – Plan

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Old wiki gridification guide sections should be updated ■ Job management ■ File Management and Access ■ Inter-job communication ■ Information service ■ Development Environments and Portals ■ Does not require lot of effort ■ Should be checked and if some changes occurred updated by contributors from SEE-GRID2 DNA4.3 – Old Sections

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ New wiki gridification guide sections ■ Operational tools ■ Application Level Services ■ Targeted Scientific Fields ■ Environmental VO ■ Meteo VO ■ Seismology VO ■ Contributions are expected from the application developers ■ Detailed description of porting techniques, used tools and services, implementation details ■ Should be described job mgt, data mgt. Information service used, etc.. ■ Describe using of existing JRA1 AS/OT DNA4.3 – New Sections

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ ToC finished - 22 nd October 2009 ■ Wiki pages structure created - 1 st December 2009 ■ Start collecting contributions - 1 st December 2009 ■ Some partners has already sent their contributions: ■ IPB (WatG Browser) ‏ ■ SZTAKI (Workflows, CWRE, GSSVA, USGIME, NMMC3D) ‏ DNA4.3 - Status

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ NA4.4 Assess applications Grid usage and take-up ■ Assesses and quantifies the applications usage of the infrastructure, and application take-up in the community [M19-M24] ■ Leader: RBI ■ Deliverable: DNA4.4 User community engagement and applications assessment [M24] ■ Lead beneficiary: RBI Task NA4.4 S tarted in November

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ VOMS roles should be used properly when submitting jobs onto the eInfrastructure ■ List of scientific events and journals should be maintained by the Vos to guide the members. ■ Applications should be deployed in production as soon as possible, and they should be made available to the scientific community to attract potential users. ■ Web pages / Wiki sections should be completed. Action

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ Immediate: Contributions to DNA4.3 by & Wiki updates by ■ Work on REFS to increase success rate. ■ Investigate on getting seismic data from GE. ■ Seismo VO will complete development of EMSC interface. ■ CHERS should make use the of mechanisms/support offered like ASG team and RO team. ■ Revision/Improvement of UF papers by all application developers for submission to Earth Science Informatics special issue. New APs

SEE-GRID-SCI PSC06, Istanbul, December 7-8, ■ VO Leaders and all, especially deployed, applications should seriously work on ■ User community enlargement ■ Collaborations with other researchers, projects, applications ■ Scientific (most preferably,refereed) publications ■ Not only per-VO, but also per-application accounting figures need to be monitored and checked; any discrepancy should be reported. ■ The possibility of making use of RAS JRA1 AS within NA4 will be iterated; developers of RAS can provide a sample case to demonstrate its capabilities. New APs