Trigger efficicency on double tracks Trigger efficiency on isolated tracks Final results of the Trigger Test on the 25ns beam Bx NUMBER Fraction of Triggers of different quality Time resolution at 20 degrees HH HL LL HL LL
The Minicrate is capable of generating its own standalone Level 1 Trigger. This feature is important in the synchronization phase in UX and for cosmic rays test in SX. A test was done with cosmic rays in Legnaro : we found that asking for HH Quality Triggers the efficiency of the reconstruction from TDC data of the parent track is larger than 99 %. The chamber resolution is clearly a bit worse (~ 400 micron instead of the usual value of ~ 200) due to the time resolution of the Minicrate (25 nsec/sqrt 12, coming from the 40 MHz clock)
60% of the chambers has been produced in the three operational sites, the full lot will be completed around mid chambers (full lot is 210) are already at CERN Superlayer production in Aachen,CIEMAT and Legnaro is going on smoothly at the usual rate corresponding to 19~ 20 chambers per year (nominal is 18)
40 chambers (80 Superlayers, of the largest MB4) have to be produced in Torino. Torino completed the assembly of the tools and tables and is now Ready to start. A first dummy Superlayer was assembled successfully We expect to be able to make a sound production plan in the MU Barrel Week in Aachen at end of April.
I-Beam tool 2 nd AL plate handling First array of glued I-Beams
Status of Torino MB4 Production Line 2 nd layer glued: 1 st measurement of wire position (no fine tuning of I-Beam alignment, no check of single wires off tolerance (±100 m). Wire image sw-reconstruced Wire seen by CCD camera Without any correction,this is a good result, nominally all the wires should be within 100 micron (fg)
An (optimistic) exercise for Torino wrt schedule V Assume that Torino produce 2 ch/month,starting June 04 (INFN Milestone), 10 work month/year (20 ch/year, is the actual rate in the other sites) End inst.window chambers needed available 1 Aug.05 (mag.test) 18 (YB+2/+1/0) 23 (mid may) 1 March 06 (end SX inst.) 30 (YB-2/-1) 33 (mid Dec.) Sept.06 (end UX Inst) 40 (sect. 1 and 7) 40 (mid april 06)
April 7, 2004 Captions: HV/Gas: the chambers are equipped with HV cables for the Super-Layers, gas pipes and gas manifold on the HV side HV Cable: the connectors are soldered on the HV cables for the Super-Layers FE Cable: the chambers are basically ready to install without minicrates apart for HVB In addition we have exchanged HVB_I apart for (20Ch boards) on 5 MB3, 5MB2, 2 MB4/10, 2 MB4/4 and 1 MB1 The bare chamber is aligned,than cabled and gas piped,the last operation,just before installation, is the installation of the cooling pipes and Theta FE cable.All the chanbers passed the Cosmic test. As you can see 104 ch were measured on the Alignment bench,and 89 are ready for the last step of dressing. The last step was done for the chambers ready for installation.
Chambers ready for installation at ISR Chambers on the frame for transport from ISR to SX
The break down occurs only in the outer layers, across the brown channels. The lines carrying the HV for the wires (3.8 KV) are at their center.The inner layers carry the HV for cathode and strips.
1st generation good board failure Top view Cross section Reason of failure: the critical adhesion of the prepreg no flow to the FR4. Failure of Jan 04 after three Months under HV and 6 months under gas flow and no HV Channel opened by the discharge Outer Prepreg no flow FR4 Inner prepreg flow 1.5 mm
The defect,that appeared in few per mil of the installed boards after a long operation time (long for a test,but short compared to the CMS life), was unexpected and its probability is not predictable, and no way was found to pick up potentially critical boards. The only solution is to produce new boards in which no use is made of prepreg no flow (the flow prepreg in the inner layers never failed,even in bad boards) and contact between the outer layer and the gas is avoided. To obtain this goal the new boards have two more layers. The new PCBs have been already designed and ways to produce a full lot of have been found. We expect to have a first lot of new boards available in September to equip the chambers to be installed in YB+1 in fall However this cahnge of design will require the substitution of the boards in all the assembled chambers and in a large fraction of those to be assembled.
insulation “Prepreg flow’ “Prepreg no flow” CROSS SECTION OF OLD and NEW HVB WIRES 1 STRIPS 1 CATHODES 1 STRIPS 2 WIRES 2 In this layer are the distribution lines of HV to the wires and the pads to sold components: Resistors,capacitors and connection wires CATHODES 2 “Prepreg no flow” In this layer wires connections only Soldering pads in the new outer layer Flow prepreg 1,2,3rd generation boards NEW BOARDS