Life in Sumer Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Day 2. Creation of Written Language Writing invented by Sumerians by 3000 B.C. Writing invented by Sumerians by 3000.


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Presentation transcript:

Life in Sumer Chapter 3 Lesson 3 Day 2

Creation of Written Language Writing invented by Sumerians by 3000 B.C. Writing invented by Sumerians by 3000 B.C. Picture Writing Picture Writing Used clay tokens with images of a product. Used clay tokens with images of a product. Sealed tokens inside clay containers. Sealed tokens inside clay containers. Marked outside of containers to identify what was inside the containers. Marked outside of containers to identify what was inside the containers. Pictographs- Picture writing. Pictographs- Picture writing.

Creation of Written Language Sumerians began using pictographs to stand for sounds. Combining sounds = more words. Sumerians began using pictographs to stand for sounds. Combining sounds = more words. Stylus- A sharpened reed to press markings into clay tablets. Stylus- A sharpened reed to press markings into clay tablets. Stylus made wedge shaped markings. Stylus made wedge shaped markings. Cuneiform- Wedge shaped writing. Cuneiform- Wedge shaped writing.

Creation of Written Language Cuneiform was a very complex writing system. Contained about 600 different symbols. Few people were able to read or write. Scribes- People who specialized in writing. These people were professional record keepers, very respected in society.

Written History Writing was used for business purposes at first. Eventually used to write about floods, wars, natural disasters, and the reigns of leaders and kings. Archeologists have found thousands of clay tablets in southwest Asia. One king had 24,000 clay tablets, with history all over Mesopotamia.
