Business Correspondence Business Correspondence - Part 2 Business Correspondence Part Two Interoffice communication Fax Newsletters Reports
Interoffice Communication Business Correspondence - Part 2 Interoffice Communication Between two or more people inside a company Types of interoffice communication Memorandums An informal written note Email Electronic exchanging of messages with one or more recipients Typically exchanged through the internet
Interoffice Communication Business Correspondence - Part 2 Interoffice Communication Purpose of interoffice communication Convey information to people inside the company Composition of interoffice communication Professional, short, and to the point Free from spelling and grammatical mistakes
Interoffice Communication Reasons to send interoffice communication Inform the reader about new information Policy changes Price increases Persuade the reader to take action Attend a meeting Change a current procedure Request information from the reader Date of a previous meeting
Business Correspondence - Part 2 Composition of a Memo Margins 1.25” top, bottom, left and right Title Memo or Memorandum Headings (To:, From:, Date:, Subject: Text after header is aligned with a 1” left tab To: First and last name From: First and last name Date: March 3, 2011 (full date) Subject: Short and to the point
Business Correspondence - Part 2 Composition of a Memo Body First paragraph Purpose or topic statement Second paragraph Background information Describe the current situation or problem Closing paragraph Courteous ending States your request of the reader
Business Correspondence - Part 2 Composition of a Memo Reference initials Memo typed by the writer – omit reference initials Memo typed by some one else – use reference initials Indicate the person who typed the memo Initials of typist are typed in lower case Enclosure & Copy notation Used as needed
Spacing the parts of a memo Business Correspondence - Part 2 Assign Block style letter – labeled with instructions
Business Correspondence - Part 2 Fax Telephonic transmission of scanned printed material Reasons to send a fax Information to communicate is hand written or drawn Signature is required immediately
Business Correspondence - Part 2 Fax Usually transmitted to a telephone number connected to an output device Printer Monitor Composition of a fax Text and images Create using a template
Templates Standard formats are used for most business documents Standardized templates Custom designed templates Using templates can Save time Increase productivity
Newsletters A publication distributed over regular intervals of time Distributed to a group of defined individuals
Newsletters Purpose of newsletters is to Teach Inform Make announcements Promote new products and/or services
Newsletters Composition of a newsletter Informally written Laid out in multiple columns Includes text and multiple graphics Free from spelling and grammatical mistakes
Reports Formal document Purpose of reports With an specific topic Prepared for a target audience With supporting information Purpose of reports Conveys information Assist in business decision making
Reports Composition of a report Professional appearance Varying lengths Includes text and multiple graphics Free from spelling and grammatical mistakes
Business Writing Style Business Correspondence - Part 2 Business Writing Style Effective documents follow these rules Brief as possible Focus on facts Provide important data Use simple, active language Well organized Accuracy is emphasized Discuss the difference between fact and opinion