Jeopardy Hard ?sReally Hard ?s Super Hard ?s Extremely hard ?s Outrageously Hard ?s Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Hard ?s The belief that the human mind is completely physical.
$100 Answer from Hard ?s What is naturalistic monism?
$200 Question from Hard ?s The willful rebellion against God
$200 Answer from Hard ?s What is sin?
$300 Question from Hard ?s The belief that the human mind is completely spiritual
$300 Answer from Hard ?s What is transcendental monism?
$400 Question from Hard ?s The belief that humans are both physical and spiritual beings.
$400 Answer from Hard ?s What is psychological dualism?
$500 Question from Hard ?s The study of the human mind.
$500 Answer from Hard ?s What is psychology?
$100 Question from Really Hard ?s The non-physical mental activities.
$100 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is the mind?
$200 Question from Really Hard ?s The belief that humans are only of one essence.
$200 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is psychological monism?
$300 Question from Really Hard ?s The physical grey matter that is inside your head.
$300 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is your brain?
$400 Question from Really Hard ?s The worldview that holds to a dualistic view of psychology.
$400 Answer from Really Hard ?s What is a Christian worldview?
$500 Question from Really Hard ?s The items that a humanistic psychology blames our moral failure on.
$500 Answer from Really Hard ?s What are society, a lack of choice or free will, and a false feeling of guilt?
$100 Question from Super Hard ?s The Christian worldview states that we are made up of these things.
$100 Answer from Super Hard ?s What are both spirit and body?
$200 Question from Super Hard ?s The Christian worldview about the spiritual reality of human beings (good or bad).
$200 Answer from Super Hard ?s What is that we are sinful?
$300 Question from Super Hard ?s The responsibility for our thoughts and deeds rests here.
$300 Answer from Super Hard ?s Solely on us?
$400 Question from Super Hard ?s This thing occurs when you mistakenly apply a category to an object or an event when the category does not apply.
$400 Answer from Super Hard ?s What is a category fallacy?
$500 Question from Super Hard ?s The abortion debate comes down to this key question?
$500 Answer from Super Hard ?s What is the unborn?
$100 Question from Extremely hard ?s The fact that although all the cells and molecules of your body is constantly changing, you are still you and more than mere matter.
$100 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is unity identity?
$200 Question from Extremely hard ?s Two answers to the question, “what are people”.
$200 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What are highly evolved animals or creatures created in the image of God?
$300 Question from Extremely hard ?s The S in SLED stands for this. State and explain.
$300 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is “Size”? Just because someone is smaller than you, doesn’t mean we can kill them.
$400 Question from Extremely hard ?s The D in SLED stands for this. State and explain.
$400 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Dependency? If people are dependent on dialysis or oxygen to live, it doesn’t mean they are less of a person.
$500 Question from Extremely hard ?s The L in SLED stands for this. State and explain.
$500 Answer from Extremely hard ?s What is Level of Development? Because your brother is younger than you and has less experience, doesn’t mean you can kill him.
$100 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s The E in SLED stands for this. State and explain.
$100 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What is Environment? If I move to another state, it doesn’t change the fact that I still am who I am.
$200 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s Ways that our culture, society, friendships, and entertainment influence us.
$200 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s We make decisions and form opinions based on the influences around us. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:33 that “Bad company corrupts good morals”.
$300 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s State and explain the four reasons that prove dualism to be true.
$300 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s What are 1) Minding your brain – When you cut your brain open, you won’t see an elephant; 2) Unity of Identity – who you are as a person doesn’t change as you grow; 3) There isn’t a part of your brain for every individual memory; 4) Free to Choose – We would only make decisions as a result of what happens to us, like a pool ball on a table?
$400 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s The reason that Christians should have self-esteem.
$400 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s We were created in God’s image – the more we understand this, the more we realize our worth as His children?
$500 Question from Outrageously Hard ?s Explain reality.
$500 Answer from Outrageously Hard ?s Reality is all that we can see and feel (the physical world) and everything Heavenly (spiritual world)?
Final Jeopardy Explain what it means to have a Sin nature.
Final Jeopardy Answer Mankind is born basically bad, with a tendency to sin, but we can refrain from sinning through the help of God?