Traditional Assessment
Bloom’s Taxonomy create evaluate analyze apply understand remember
THE MONTILLATION AND USES OF TRAXOLINE It is very important to learn about traxoline. Traxoline is a new form of zionter. It is montilled in Ceristanna. The Ceristannians found that they could gristerlate large amounts of fervon and then bracter it to quasel traxoline. This new, more efficient bracterillation process has the potential to make traxoline one of the most useful products within the molecular family of lukizes snezlaus. Adapted from Koch, Slides courtesy of Jenny Knight
THE MONTILLATION AND USES OF TRAXOLINE It is very important to learn about traxoline. Traxoline is a new form of zionter. It is montilled in Ceristanna. The Ceristannians found that they could gristerlate large amounts of fervon and then bracter it to quasel traxoline. This new, more efficient bracterillation process has the potential to make traxoline one of the most useful products within the molecular family of lukizes snezlaus. QUIZ: 1. What is traxoline? 2. Where is it montilled? 3. How is traxoline quaseled? 4. Why is traxoline important? Adapted from Koch, Slides courtesy of Jenny Knight
What % of higher order Bloom’s level questions would you expect to find on an typical intro bio exam? Slide courtesy of Jenny Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder
Zheng et al., 2008 Science VOL 319 Slide courtesy of Jenny Knight
creating evaluating analyzing applying understanding remembering Recall facts and basic concepts? define, duplicate, list, memorize, repeat, state Explain ideas or concepts? classify, describe, discuss, explain, identify, locate, recognize, report, select, translate Use the information in a new way? choose, demonstrate, dramatize, employ, illustrate, interpret, operate, schedule, sketch, solve, use, write Distinguish between the different parts? appraise, compare, contrast, criticize, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, examine, experiment, question, test Justify a stand or decision? appraise, argue, defend, judge, select, support, value, evaluate Create a new product or point of view? assemble, construct, create, design, develop, formulate, write Can the student…
Consider Is there any data from research papers or other sources that could be used in crafting an introductory course assessment question in your discipline?
Multiple T/F Benefits: -Detects students with correct and incorrect ideas, “mixed models” (Nehm & Reilly, 2007) -More equivalent to free response item difficulties. (Kubinger & Gottschall, 2007) -Allows greater flexibility in question design. Question Stem: a)T/FStatement b)T/FStatement c)T/FStatement d)T/FStatement Question Stem: a)Statement b)Statement c)Statement d)Statement Multiple Choice Slide courtesy of Jenny Knight, University of Colorado, Boulder