BlueFin Best Linear Unbiased Estimate Fisher Information aNalysis Andrea Valassi (IT-SDC) based on the work done with Roberto Chierici TOPLHCWG meeting on Statistical Combination Tools 11 th November 2013
A. Valassi – BlueFin2 The code was prepared over the last ~20 months to test various ideas we got while working on our paper “Information and treatment of unknown correlations in the combination of measurements using the BLUE method” ( Why are BLUE weights negative? Are correlations overestimated? What is the most “conservative” choice of correlations? How much “information” does each measurement contribute (what is its “relative importance”)? The C++ code has changed enormously in time as new ideas appeared and old “new” ideas were abandoned Started off by migrating to C++ the Fortran code used for LEPEWWG Focus was initially on splitting up information contributions among measurements (e.g. via integrals) – now moved out of the way SVN ( is now a cleaned up version that only contains the ideas that made it into the paper Initially born as a small private test (largely out of curiosity in my free time), not as user-oriented software to be supported Why BlueFin? – the original goals
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin3 One executable: bluefin [options] [ /].bfin Builds an output pdf report from an input text file For N-parameter combinations: print BLUE results In addition, for 1-parameter combinations: information analysis (information weights and derivatives) A small library of C++ classes for this executable: BlueFish – one N-parameter combination Exact BLUE (central value, weights, error split-up) via matrix algebra BlueFish1Obs – more specific 1-parameter case Plus some helpers: InfoAnalyzer, InfoMinimizer … Some examples (internally used as tests) LEP (W branching ratio, σ WW ), TOP (m t ), ad-hoc examples BlueFin – what does it do?
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin4 Example – input file
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin5 Example – “nominal” correlations Information derivatives w.r.t. correlations (only for 1-observable combinations) Central value weights <0 indicate a “high-correlation regime” Correlations with the highest derivative (RED in the table) are those most responsible for this effect
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin6 Example – modified correlations Details for each “modified correlation” scenario are in the following pages of the BlueFin report -Modified input covariances (full and partial) -Detailed BLUE results, CVW, MIW, IIW -Details about minimization, onionization….
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin7 The fact that this was a small test that grew larger over time can be seen by many limitations: Matrix algebra is done via Boost and (hence?) is slow ROOT only appeared later to add minimizations Still many “assertion” exceptions to check hypotheses (“is this sum the same as this other sum?”) – precision limited Random use of triangular vs. symmetric matrices No CppUnit – tests done by reproducing full real examples External dependencies assume CERN’s CVMFS or AFS All these points could easily be addressed if needed Internals – and some limitations
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin8 Executable exists and is very easy to use Write an input text file and you get lots of useful information Automatic creation of tables in a pdf report via pdflatex Software tested on some real life examples Used for regression testing (require reproducible results) Examples also represent simple doc for users Internals – some of the good points
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin9 BLUE results are Unbiased as long as the individual measurements are Unbiased But it is true that we traditionally treat our systematic biases as randomly (and Gaussian!) distributed variables We could think of treating random (e.g. statistical) errors and unknown systematic biases in different ways? In my opinion, understanding inter-measurement correlations for those systematic biases would remain (and be even more!) essential in that case And splitting the total errors into fine-grained correlated sources of uncertainty remains the first step Beyond BLUE and Gaussian errors? (1)
11 th November 2013A. Valassi – BlueFin10 Two different problems are often being discussed 1. Why are central value weights in BLUE negative? That is to say, are correlations being (“conservatively”) overestimated? 2. Should we move beyond BLUE and Gaussian approximations eventually? Addressing the second issue will probably involve a more complex (hence more opaque) procedure This may “hide” the first issue, but we should not ignore it! BLUE weights (especially the ugly negative ones) may disappear, but correlations may still remain overestimated! IMO, the analysis provided by BlueFin is useful even if one should move beyond BLUE and Gaussian errors!… Beyond BLUE and Gaussian errors? (2)